

单词 cladding
释义 clad·ding 英ˈklædɪŋ美ˈklædɪŋAHDklădʹĭng ☆☆☆☆☆高TCOCA⁵⁶⁵⁶²BNC²²⁹⁷⁷iWeb¹⁶⁷⁷¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
a protective covering that protects the outside of a building来自clad,穿上衣服。cladding diameter包层直径fiber cladding光纤包层collapsible cladding紧裹包壳explosive cladding爆炸包覆cladding eccentricity包层偏心率extramural cladding光纤外包层cladding steel包覆钢cladding material覆盖材料,镀层…fuel cladding电 燃料包盖…explosion cladding爆炸复合cladding mode包层模roll cladding轧制包覆wall cladding墙面覆盖层cladding glass包层玻璃cladding process覆盖法
cladd=-ed-ing动名词⇒n.镀层⁴⁵;电镀动词clad的现在分词形式.近义词 layer层shell壳casing套shield盾covering覆盖物facing建饰面,覆盖面,面层…
用作名词This piece of handicraft has metalcladdingon its surface.这件工艺品的表面有金属镀层。
Excessive deflection in a structure may cause considerable damage tocladding.结构的过大挠度可以引起覆盖面的巨大破坏。
As an important surface modification method, lasercladdinghas drawn more and more attention in recent years.激光熔覆作为表面改性的一种重要方法,得到越来越多的关注。as in.siding
同义词 coveringfacing,finishouter wall
sidingnoun outside finish
covering,facing,finish,outer wall And consumers are paying for such green goodies as organic vegetables or loft- cladding.
消费者可以像购买有机蔬菜或者阁楼面板那样购买这些绿色产品。 ecocn

And we'll also be putting the fuel pins in the same zircaloy cladding tubes.

It was possible the rods' metal cladding had melted, exposing the radioactive core, a spokesman said.
一位发言人声称燃料棒的金属镀层可能已经溶毁,暴露出放射性核芯。 yeeyan

The fuel rods could still get hot enough to damage their cladding and release radioactive particles into the air.
它们仍可能持续升温并破坏防护设施、将放射性粒子散入空气中。 ecocn

The light would bounce along the core, reflecting from the boundary between core and cladding.
光束将沿着纤维核左右折射,在物体的核心与覆层之间反复折射,但不越过边界。 ecocn

The structure of the New Safe Confinement is carbon steel, protected by inner and outer layers of stainless steel cladding.
新安全限制装置的建筑结构是碳钢,通过给内外层镀上不锈钢来保护它。 yeeyan

The cladding of the complex curved surface wrapping the entire building and the roof was made possible by the selection of very small hexagonal modules.
包裹整个建筑和屋顶的复杂曲面覆盖层所选择使用的是非常小的六角形模块。 yeeyan

There’s no interior cladding, vapor comes out of ducts in the ceiling, and the only windows are too high to see out of.
飞机上没有内部熔覆层,顶部的通道管道会喷出蒸汽,窗户都开得很高,无法朝外看。 yeeyan

Aluminum wall cladding wraps around the void.
铝膜包裹了天井周围的墙面。 yeeyan

As you can see here swelling and rupture of cladding, that you have to look at.

But in an attempt to liven up the Baja, it ladled on plastic body cladding and painted early models a garish silver and yellow.
不过它车身的塑料镀层太多,而且早期车型喷涂的银色加黄色的车漆搭配也太乍眼了。 fortunechina

Instead the researchers use two layers of graphite- rich conductive plastic, each flanked by a single metal strip in the inner and outer cladding.
所以研究人员用了两层石墨含量较高的传导性塑料,每层塑料内外层的侧面都有一条金属带。 yeeyan

Problems of water side corrosion of cladding have been discussed based on reactor operating conditions and material factors.
从反应堆运行工况及材料因素,讨论了水堆燃料元件包壳的水侧腐蚀问题。 cnki

So far the first barrier, which is the fuel cladding, has apparently failed, because they are detecting cesium.
目前,第一道屏障——燃料包壳,已经明显失去功用,因为专家已经在核电站附近检测到了铯元素。 hjenglish

So instead the researchers use two layers of graphite- rich conductive polycarbonate, each flanked by a single metal strip in the inner and outer cladding.
作为替代,研究者们使用了两块富含石墨的导电聚碳酸酯,它们中的每一块都被一片金属条紧紧地包裹。 tswc

So our product, made out of collagen, collagen is a natural haemostatic that induces a reaction of cladding.

The method to calculate waveguide dispersion can be applied to multi- cladding fibers.
计算波导色散的方法可推广到多包层光纤。 dict.v.wenguo.com

The two colours on the exterior cladding, red and beige are borrowed from the original colours of those wall paintings.
外墙覆盖层的两种颜色——红色和米黄色源自那些壁画的原色。 ebigear

This is sandwiched between inner and outer rings of a conducting material that act like electrodes, and surrounded by yet another layer of polycarbonate as cladding.
这个中空棒将会在内外导电材料中间充当一个电极的作用,它同时也会被另外一层聚碳酸酯所包围。 tswc

This is sandwiched between inner and outer rings of conducting material that act like electrodes, and the whole thing is surrounded by yet another layer of polycarbonate as cladding.
这一结构被夹在由导电材料制成的具有电极作用的内环和外环之间,整个结构的外围是又一层聚碳酸酯外壳。 yeeyan

We need to understand what kinds of other materials need to go in the fuel such as the cladding, the internal structures that could be absorbers that will take away neutrons.

What is metal cladding?
什么是金属包覆层? tianya




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