

单词 clacks
释义 clack·s 英klæk美klæk COCA¹²⁶⁶¹⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
a sharp abrupt noise as if two objects hit together; may be repeateda simple valve with a hinge on one side; allows fluid to flow in only one direction
make a rattling sound;

clattering dishes

make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hensspeak about unimportant matters rapidly and incessantlyclack valve瓣阀clack mill棘轮钻机,手搬钻机…butterfly clack蝶形瓣,蝶形活门…ball clack球瓣clack box瓣阀箱exhaust clack排气瓣,排气活门…pressure clack压力瓣shutting clack闭断瓣suction clack吸瓣inlet clack吸入瓣air inlet clack valve进气瓣阀,进气活门…delivery clack增压活门valve clack阀瓣clack seat阀座
近义词 rap轻敲clap拍手bang巨响blab泄密tattle闲谈click咔嗒声smack掌击声chatter饶舌maunder絮叨palaver空谈twaddle废话snap劈啪作响tick滴答作响clatter咔嗒声brattle咕隆声cluck发咯咯声piffle做无聊事blabber多嘴的人clack valve瓣阀tittle-tattle闲聊clapper valve瓣阀prattle小孩般说话clunk沉闷的金属声…prate唠唠叨叨的讲…gibber胡言乱语地说…gabble急促而不清楚地说…

用作动词The old woman willclackfor a long time when she meets her neighbours.这位老太婆遇到邻居时总要唠叨半天。
I heard the typewriterclackingin the next office.我听见隔壁办公室中打字机发出嗒嗒的声音。
All I could hear was the steadyclackingof a solitary typewriter.我所能听到的一切是一部孤零零的打字机不断发出的噼啪声。用作名词I heard theclackof her heels on the sidewalk.我听到她的鞋后跟在人行道上霹哩啪啦响的声音。 A hinged valve that permits fluids to flow in only one direction and clacks when the valve closes.
一种铰接的阀,只容许流体单向流动,关闭时发出卡嗒声。 poptool

But, can you seal a clacks with a loving kiss?
但是,你能在寄出一封电邮前献上一个充满爱的吻吗? blog.sina.com.cn

Can you cry tears on a clacks?
你能在网络上流下你的眼泪吗? blog.sina.com.cn




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