

单词 clack
释义 clack 英klæk美klækAHDklăk ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA³⁴¹⁴¹BNC⁷³⁶⁶⁶iWeb⁴²³¹²
a sharp abrupt noise as if two objects hit together; may be repeateda simple valve with a hinge on one side; allows fluid to flow in only one direction
make a rattling sound;

clattering dishes

make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hensspeak about unimportant matters rapidly and incessantly拟声词。clack valve瓣阀clack mill棘轮钻机,手搬钻机…butterfly clack蝶形瓣,蝶形活门…ball clack球瓣clack box瓣阀箱exhaust clack排气瓣,排气活门…pressure clack压力瓣shutting clack闭断瓣suction clack吸瓣inlet clack吸入瓣air inlet clack valve进气瓣阀,进气活门…delivery clack增压活门valve clack阀瓣clack seat阀座
近义词 rap轻敲clap拍手bang巨响blab泄密tattle闲谈click咔嗒声smack掌击声chatter饶舌maunder絮叨palaver空谈twaddle废话snap劈啪作响tick滴答作响clatter咔嗒声brattle咕隆声cluck发咯咯声piffle做无聊事blabber多嘴的人clack valve瓣阀tittle-tattle闲聊clapper valve瓣阀prattle小孩般说话clunk沉闷的金属声…prate唠唠叨叨的讲…gibber胡言乱语地说…gabble急促而不清楚地说…

用作动词The old woman willclackfor a long time when she meets her neighbours.这位老太婆遇到邻居时总要唠叨半天。
I heard the typewriterclackingin the next office.我听见隔壁办公室中打字机发出嗒嗒的声音。
All I could hear was the steadyclackingof a solitary typewriter.我所能听到的一切是一部孤零零的打字机不断发出的噼啪声。用作名词I heard theclackof her heels on the sidewalk.我听到她的鞋后跟在人行道上霹哩啪啦响的声音。verb.clatter
同义词 babble,blab,cackle,chatter,cluck,gossip,jaw,prate,prattle,rattle,yak
反义词 be quiet
chatterverb speak fast and non-stop
babble,blab,blather,cackle,chat,chitchat,gab,gabble,gas,gibber,go on and on,gossip,jabber,jaw,natter,palaver,prate,prattle,tattle,twaddle,twiddle,yak
chatterboxnoun talkative person
chatteredverb speak fast and non-stop
babbled,blabbed,blathered,cackled,chatted,chitchated,clacked,gabbed,gabbled,gassed,gibbered,gossiped,jabbered,jawed,nattered,palavered,prated,prattled,tattled,twaddled,twiddled,went on and on,yakked
clatternoun loud noise
clicknoun metallic sound
clickverb make a slight sharp sound
bang,beat,clack,snap,tick And when he had finished, there was silence for a moment, save for the rhythmic clack of wheels, the rocketing sound of the great train.
他写完的时候,周围一片沉默,只听见车轮富有节奏的咔嗒声、巨大列车呼啸前进的声音。 blog.sina.com.cn

As the clickety- clack of Irish step dancing and the sound of traditional Irish music fill the air, an audience of thousands breathlessly watches the Riverdance performance.
爱尔兰踢踏舞的“噼里啪嗒”声伴随着传统爱尔兰音乐响彻全场,台下数千名观众屏息观赏着《大河之舞》的演出。 china-b

The different flow characteristics could be derived from the different molded lines of the valve clack.
调节阀中不同阀芯型线可得到不同的流量特性。 cnki

The relationship between the thermal physical and mechanics properties with the silver impregnated carbon graphite clack seat and bushing materials and thermal shock divisor was discussed.
讨论分析了浸银碳石墨阀座和衬套材料的热物理及力学性能同热震因子的关系。 cnki

A fellow of the Linnean Society, Clack's outside interests include choral singing particularly of early sacred music and gardening.

But some newer coasters don't click and clack at all.
但有些新型过山车完全没有咔嗒咔嗒的加速过程。 hjenglish

City fire chief Jim Clack said that emergency work was no longer a rescue operation and had become a recovery operation.
市消防队长吉姆说急救工作已经不再是营救运转了而变成了恢复操作。 bioon

In 2001, after years of development and extensive field testing, Clack introduced its first line of composite control valves.
2001年,克拉克经过多年的发展和广泛的现场测试,推出了第一批复合控制阀。 www.e-gtm.com.cn

In CDMA colnlnunication syStems, the reverse link POwer contrOl is corn by both open loop power and clack loop poWer ContrOl.
在码分多址 CDMA通信系统中,反向链路的功率控制由开环功率控制和闭环功率控制组成。 cnki

Soon I had settled back in my seat and was fast asleep aided by the clicky- clack rhythm sound of the wheels on the rails as we made our way north.

The most common bird- sound I used to hear was the clack of a handsome azure-winged magpie as it rummaged through my crab-apple tree.
我听到的最普通的鸟叫声是漂亮的灰喜鹊发出的咯咯声,它常常搜查我种的山楂树。 ecocn

The old woman will clack for a long time when she meets her neighbours.




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