

单词 CLA
释义 CLACOCA⁶³⁴³⁸BNC⁶¹⁷⁰⁰
n.平均高度=Centre Line Average
Go for fresh goat cheese or feta for a dose of conjugated linoleic acid CLA— it helps you feel full and burn more fat.
新鲜的羊乳酪含有共轭亚油酸,它能帮助你产生饱腹感,同时燃烧更多脂肪。 hjenglish

The connections between GP and ACB and CLA are also two-directionprojections which form the pathways between basal ganglia and limbic system.
GP与 ACB、 CLA间也为双向投射,从而沟通了基底神经节与边缘系统间的联系。 cnki

The nutritional manipulation progress to improve the CLA content in the milk fat of lactating cows was reviewed.
本文介绍了一些重要的营养调控措施,以提高奶牛乳脂中 CLA含量。 cnki

The results of immunity index indicated that CLA could stimulate the development of immune organs, improve the function of hormones immunity and cell- mediated immune competence.
免疫指标测定结果表明: CLA能够促进免疫器官发育,增强肉鸡体液免疫和细胞免疫功能。 cnki

The structures, characteristics, testing methods, advances and applications in ion floatation, oil removing, extraction, protein separation of CLA and CGA were reviewed.
概述了 CGA和 CLA的结构、性质、表征方法、手段和研究进展以及在离子浮选、除油、萃取、蛋白质分离等过程中的应用。 cnki

An astounding proportion of students are progressing through higher education today without measurable gains in general skills as assessed by the CLA.
惊人比例的学生到大学毕业都没有提高 CLA衡量的一些一般技能。 yeeyan

Another contributor- submitted patch didn't include a Contributors License Agreement CLA, so that certainly can't go in.
另一个贡献者提交的补丁未包括贡献者许可协议Contributors License Agreement, CLA,因此当然不能加入其中。 ibm

Cheeses from grass-fed animals have the most CLA, so buy ones labeled“ grass-fed.”
食草类动物奶酪所含共轭亚油酸最丰富,所以记得买那些标注“食草类动物”乳酪吧。 hjenglish

Conjugated linoleic Acid CLA is one of the research focuses at present; the paper has made a simple summarization on biologic activity of conjugated linoleic acid in milk lipids recently.
共轭亚油酸 CLA是目前研究的热点之一,文章主要对近年来乳脂中 CLA的生理活性研究进展情况作一简要概述。 chemyq

In addition, it is to be plugged into Assyria, in a certain country realize equality, altogether in cla Shared harmonious society is impossible.
此外,需要插述一下的是,在某一个国家内实现人人平等,共劳共享的和谐社会是不可能的。 blog.sina.com.cn

In contrast, EPA offered only partial protection against CLA-induced non- alcoholic fatty liver disease and provided no protection against insulin resistance.
相比之下, EPA只是提供了部分性的保护作用预防 CLA诱导的非酒精性脂肪肝病,而对胰岛素抵抗未提供保护作用。 dxy

In the paper, definition, physiological function, the number of safe ingestion and application in food for CLA was displayed.
该文综述天然活性物质共轭亚油酸涵义界定、功能特性、 CLA安全性与推荐摄入量及其在食品中应用前景。 chemyq

Many natural factors and manual means can affect the content of CLA in ruminant animals.
多种自然因素,人工手段能够影响反刍动物体内 CLA含量。 cnki

No phase inversion took place during the whole formation process, hence the CLA represented O/W emulsion type.
在整个乳化过程中,没有发生相的转变现象, CLA呈O/W型乳状液。 cnki

Objective To study the effect of conjugated linoleic acid CLA on body weight, serum lipids level, and liver lipid metabolism in obese rats fed on high- fat and high- carbohydrate diet.
目的研究共轭亚油酸 CLA对高脂高糖饮食诱导的肥胖大鼠体质量、血脂及肝脏脂质代谢的影响。 cnki

Objective: To study the effects of fortified conjugated linoleic acid CLA milk on body fat and plasma lipids in mice.
目的:探讨共轭亚油酸 CLA强化乳对小鼠体脂及血脂的影响。 cnki

Please fill out a CLA and file it with the community then join in.
请填写 CLA并将其发送到社区,从而加入我们。 ibm

Results showed that the substrate NFC level influenced rumen fermentation traits and the information of CLA.
结果表明:底物不同的 NFC水平影响活体外瘤胃发酵和 CLA的产生。 cnki

Storage time does not have a significant effect on the content of CLA.
贮藏时间对 CLA含量的影响不显著。 cnki

The earth the development of human society, why can't we find a way to avoid the harm of mankind enjoy peace and pattern of development of cla?
地球人类社会的发展,为何不能找到一条能够避免发生上述危害人类自身的共劳共享和平发展的模式呢? blog.sina.com.cn

The effects of conjugated linoleic acid CLA on human gastric carcinoma cell line SGC7901 were studied in cell culture.
采用体外细胞培养方法,研究共轭亚油酸 CLA对人胃腺癌细胞 SGC-7901生长的影响。 cnki

The structure of CLA and its role in repartitioning nutrition and related mechanism in pigs were reviewed.
本文针对 CLA的结构组成、营养重分配剂的作用及相关机理的研究作一综述。 cnki

These results showed that dietary CLA improved slaughter performance of chicks, enhanced holding water capacity of meat and prolonged meat shell life.
试验结果表明, CLA可改善肉仔鸡屠体性状,增加鸡肉系水力和延长货架存放时间。 cnki

You need the calcium to maintain strong bones. And the vitamin D and CLA in milk both have cancer-fighting properties.
强筋健骨需要钙,而牛奶中的维生素 D和 CLA都具有抗癌特性。 dxy

CLA in milk fights fat, too.
牛奶中的 CLA也能对抗肥胖。 yeeyan

CLA mainly affects the key enzyme of lipid transport, metabolizing and reserve to reduce blood fat and change the composition of fatty acid.
CLA主要通过影响脂肪转运、代谢和储存的关键酶来降低体脂和改变体脂中脂肪酸的组成; cnki




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