释义 |
Ci writer 基本例句 词人 Zheng Wen-zhuo was a ci writer of Changzhou School of Ci Poems, and he advocated innovation.郑文焯是常州词派后期“变革型”的一位词人,他变革的其中一点就是学习姜夔的词。 All the elements above make the Wen's Ci more euphuistic, elaborate and more magnificent than other Ci writers.以上诸种要素,使温庭筠的词境相对于其他婉约词人,更香艳温暖,也更繁缛富丽。 Ci writers often make use of the qualities of sounds to express emotions at the sight of some particular scenes or objects.词人往往运用词的声韵特点进行状景寄怀,托物寓情。 As the first originator of Huajianpai in late Tang Dynasty as well as the representative of Wanyuecipai, Wen Tingyun has created a slightly different world from that of other Ci writers.作为晚唐“花间派”的鼻祖,同时也是整个婉约词派的代表人物之一,温庭筠的词境与其他婉约词人的词境稍有不同。 |