

单词 civil official
释义 civil official ˈsivləˈfiʃəl 短语¹³¹⁶²⁰⁺³
It is China that the founder of civil official's system belongs to in the history of mankind, and the particularly feudal government official's system is praised highly by common people.
人类历史上文官制度的创始者归为中国,而尤为封建官吏制度备受世人推崇。 cnki

The state power exerted great influence on the manufacture of Jiaomiao pome by imperial power and traditional values which civil official group upheld.
国家力量通过皇权、通过文官集团所维护的传统价值,影响郊庙乐府制作。 fabiao

Though the Song Dynasty is very weak in political power, its political core, the civil official system, is highly advanced and has reached its utmost in Chinese feudalist society.
宋代是个政治表现十分孱弱的朝代,但其政治内核——文官制度却十分发达,达到了中国封建社会的最高峰。 cnki

In the second part, the author will describe the concrete contents of this system: civil official- blenching because of place, social relationship, official position.
第二部分,作者将重点介绍清朝文官任职回避制度的具体内容:地区回避、社会关系回避、职务回避; cnki

Upon it establishing, reform in western civil official system has been its necessary and common way.
改革已成为西方文官制度建立后必然的、共同的道路。 cnki

Civil official set-up in late- Qing official reform includes the adjustment and addition of departments and the reshuffle of the cabinet.
清末官制改革中的文官设置包括对中央机构的调整和增设,以及对内阁的改组等。 cnki

The second chapter discusses the vicissitude of civil official dress system.
第二章论述清代文官衣饰制度的变迁。 qk114




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