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词汇 city hall
释义 city hall ˌsɪtiˈhɔːl ★☆☆☆☆高短语⁹⁷³⁹
n. 市政厅; 市政府; 官僚主义

a building that houses administrative offices of a municipal governmentfight city hall口同小官僚作显然…to fight city hall同小官僚作看来徒劳的…
His uncle put in a good word for him at City Hall.他的叔叔在市政府为他美言。
It's time for the city government to clean house.市政府应肃清贪污已刻不容缓。 government
同义词 town hallmunicipal government,town government
authoritynoun expert, animate or inanimate
Bible,CEO,arbiter,aristocrat,big cheese,big shot,big wig,boss,brains,brass,buff,city hall,connoisseur,czar,egghead,establishment,exec,executive,expert,feds,front office,governor,guru,ivory dome,judge,kingfish,kingpin,law,power elite,pro,professional,professor,pundit,scholar,specialist,textbook,top brass,top dog,top hand,upstairs,veteran,virtuoso,whiz,wizard
bureaucracynoun system which controls organization
administration,authority,beadledom,city hall,civil service,directorate,government,management,ministry,officialdom,officials,powers that be,red tape,regulatory commission,the Establishment,the system
courtnoun building for legal proceedings
bar,bench,city hall,county courthouse,courthouse,courtroom,federal building,hall of justice,justice building,law court,municipal building,tribunal
establishmentnoun power structure in society
authority,bureaucracy,city hall,diehards,established order,old guard,powers that be,the system
red tapenoun bureaucratic rules
authority,bureaucracy,bureaucratic paperwork,city hall,government,management,official forms,official procedures,officialdom,officialism,paper shuffling,powers that be,proper channels,regulatory commission,the Establishment,the system Does this street go to City Hall?
这条街是往市政厅的吗? ebigear

And, so far, he is smoothly handling the Occupy Philadelphia protesters, who are literally camped on City Hall's doorstep.
而且,到目前为止,他顺利的处理了“占领费城”的抗议者,毫不夸张的说,他们就在市政厅的门阶上搭帐篷。 ecocn

By 2016, predicts City Hall, half of all journeys in the city will be by high- quality public transport, up from16% today.
据市政厅估计,到2016年,半数的市区旅游都能用上公共交通,从现在16%提高。 ecocn

Due to a city ordinance they can't sleep in the park surrounding City Hall.
由于《城市条例》规定,示威者不能在市政厅旁的公园睡觉。 yeeyan

He also noticed that his allotted wall faced the city’s tallest building at the time, City Hall.
他也注意到,委托给他的那面墙正对着洛杉矶当时最高的大楼:市政厅。 ecocn

How they ended up underground near City Hall is still a mystery; it seems to involve an Oskar Schindler- like hero.
他们如何在市政厅眼皮底下完成了地下活动仍旧是个谜。这似乎与奥斯卡·辛德勒那样的英雄有关。 yeeyan

In Brussels, after a speech in the city hall to a group of young Europeans, I received a special gift.
在布鲁塞尔,我在市政厅向一群年轻的欧洲人发表了演讲,之后,我收到了一份特殊的礼物。 yeeyan

It's time City Hall had someone in the White House you could count on the same way that so many Americans count on you.
市政厅需要一个人在白宫作为你们的依靠,就像那么多美国民众依靠你们一样。现在是时候了。 yeeyan

MICHAEL HARPER, a dad from Brooklyn, spent his day off earlier this month at a City Hall hearing on mayoral control of New York’s schools.
迈克尔.哈珀——布鲁克林区的一位普通的父亲——利用他一天的休假日于月初在市政厅听取了市长控制教育的报告。 ecocn

Opponents protested at City Hall, but at the academy the mood was buoyant.
反对者则聚集在市政厅前进行抗议。但学校内洋溢着轻松活泼的气氛。 ecocn

The next day I was surprised to see so many reporters attending the two press conferences held at Kakegawa City Hall and Shizuoka Prefecture Hall.
第二天,分别在挂川市政厅和静冈县政府大厅举办了新闻发布会,出席会议的记者之多使我感到惊讶。 yeeyan

The City Hall building in Los Angeles, California, towers over the city streets.
加利福尼亚洛杉矶市的市政厅建筑高耸于城市街道上。 yeeyan

The' city' of New York extended only as far as City Hall Park. Gramercy Park was a swamp, and two streams came together in what is now Times Square.
当时纽约“市”的范围,最远只到达现在的市府公园,格拉莫西公园还是一片沼泽,而在如今的时代广场,两条溪流合而为一缓缓流过。 yeeyan

To what platform does the train for City Hall come?
往市政厅的火车停在哪一个月台? ebigear

Visitors to London’s2012 Olympics may travel to the games in taxis powered by hydrogen following the unveiling of a new prototype fuel cell black cab at City Hall yesterday.
去观看2012年伦敦的游客有可能会体验一下氢燃料电池出租车,该新型出租车原型昨天在市政厅进行了展示。 yeeyan

Will you tell me the way to City Hall?
请你告诉我去市政厅该怎么走好吗? ebigear

City Hall, please.
请到市政厅。 kekenet

City Hall is unlikely to run“ The House”; it will farm out the operation to people rather more experienced at this kind of thing.
市政厅不太可能去经营这赌场。它会把经营权转让给在这方面更有经验的人。 ecocn




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