释义 |
City dweller 基本例句 城市居民 I am now a city dweller, a resident of the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Southeast Washington, D. C. I ride to work on the Metro. 我现在成了城里人,住在华盛顿特区东南的国会山附近。我坐地铁上班。 iciba Moreover, acting in the name of health can rally stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and interests and build political pressure on issues that are important to every city dweller. 此外,为增进健康采取行动可以调动不同背景和利益团体的力量,并就所有市民重视的问题施加政治压力。 who Navigating crowded downtown streets, dealing with constant noise and general urban chaos can send even the most dedicated city dweller over the edge. 在闹市拥挤的街道里穿梭,忙于不停歇的噪音和时不时发生的混乱,就连最淡定的居民都被推到了崩溃的边缘。 yeeyan Some even say the life of a rural citizen is treated as cheaper than that of a city dweller. 一些人甚至说,乡村公民的生命被认为比城里人的便宜。 yeeyan |