

单词 cirrus
释义 cir·rus 英ˈsɪərəs美ˈsɪrəsAHDsîrʹəs ○○○○○高COCA⁴⁰⁷⁴⁷BNC⁵⁴³⁵⁵iWeb⁴¹⁵⁰⁷
usually coileda wispy white cloud usually of fine ice crystals at a high altitude 4 to 8 milesa slender flexible animal appendage as on barnacles or crinoids or many insects; often tactile来自PIE*sker,转,弯,词源同ring,curly.因其卷形形状而得名。cirrus socket卷枝窝band cirrus带状卷云anal cirrus肛须cirrus caudae尾毛dorsal cirrus背须,背触须…cirrus cloud卷云cirrus sac阴茎囊false cirrus伪卷云cirrus pouch阴茎囊,雄茎囊,阴茎…cirrus clouds卷云
cirr-us…的⇒n.气卷云;植卷须;动触毛近义词 cirrhus阴茎cirrus cloud卷云

用作名词Cirrus is formed from ice crystals.卷云是冰晶形成的。
They are the firstcirrusclouds seen on an outer planet.它们是首次在外行星上发现的卷云。
Love is like thecirrusgrowing in our hearts.爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。as in.tendril
同义词 clasp,coil,curl,ringlet
tendrilnoun curl of hair or plant
tendrilsnoun curl of hair or plant
cirri,clasps,coils,curls,ringlets IT IS what passes for a winter's day in upstate São Paulo. The sun is blazing from a blue sky feathered lightly with cirrus cloud.
圣保罗州北部的某一冬日如常度过,阳光穿透了蔚蓝天空上薄如羽毛的捲云。 ecocn

A real estate developer, Whisenhunt bought his first Cirrus before he learned to fly.
作为一个房地产商, Whisenhunt在购买第一架 Cirrus飞机之前还没有学习飞行。 sirenji

Among the dramatic plans featured is the US Army's Project Cirrus, an experiment in 1947 to weaken a Caribbean hurricane by“seeding” its clouds.
其中最引人注目的特色设计是美军人工影响飓风计划 Project Cirrus。这是美军于1947年进行的一项实验,通过“种云”削弱加勒比飓风。 yeeyan

Analogous to a sundog or parhelion, the paraselene is produced by moonlight shining through thin, hexagonal-shaped ice crystals in high cirrus clouds.
类似于假日或幻日,近幻月是月光透过高空卷云中的六角形的薄冰晶而形成的。 yeeyan

Her neck was long and slender, making her head seem smaller than it was, and the mane that fell almost to the middle of her back was as soft as dandelion fluff and as fine as cirrus.
她脖颈颀长,使得头颅益显小巧,长长的鬃毛一直披散到后背中部,象蒲公英的绒毛一般柔软,又象高空的卷云一般纤美。 blog.sina.com.cn

In addition, CAFUC is becoming a training center for Cirrus Aircraft, where it will train technicians to perform maintenance and other service work on the company's products.
此外, CAFUC正在成为 Cirrus飞机的培训中心,它将培训各种机械师以执行该公司制造的各型飞机的维护和维修工作。 cneaa

In February, a subsidiary of a state-owned Chinese company bought Cirrus Industries, a Minnesota manufacturer of small aircraft.
二月份,一家国企的下属公司收购了西锐工业,一家位于明尼苏达州的小型飞机生产商。 yeeyan

On Earth, NASA says, white wispy cirrus clouds are made of ice crystals.
美国航天局说,在地球上稀疏的白色卷云是由冰晶所组成的。 yeeyan

The model is employed to determine the radiative flux properties and the intensity distribution of cirrus for both solar and thermal infrared radiation.
文中用这种模式计算了太阳短波以及地球红外热辐射通过卷云时的辐射通量传输性质以及方位平均强度的分布。 cnki

The rare phenomenon is created by light reflected from ice crystals in high- up cirrus clouds.
而这个罕见现象是由于在位置较高卷云中的冰晶反射闪电而产生的。 cri

The sun is blazing from a blue sky feathered lightly with cirrus cloud.
这一天阳光明媚,蔚蓝天空中飘着些许云彩。 ecocn

They are no different from the cirrus clouds that naturally form in that region of the atmosphere.
它们和在那个地区的大气上空自然形成的卷云没有什么区别。 putclub

This text is mainly about the design of a system of Polarization Lidar, which has been developed for measuring profiles of de- polarization ratio of cirrus clouds in day and night.
本文主要讨论一种偏振激光雷达系统的总体设计方案,应用于白天和夜晚卷云后向散射光退偏振比的探测研究。 dictall

Cirrus acknowledged the challenge of selling avgas-powered aircraft overseas, and had been testing several alternative engine designs in the2000s.
Cirrus对于向海外市场销售飞机面临的燃油挑战十分清楚,本世纪以来,公司就对多种替代发动机进行了测试。 cneaa

Cirrus is formed from ice crystals.
卷云是冰晶形成的。 kuenglish




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