

单词 circumpolar
释义 cir·cum·po·lar 英ˌsɜːkəmˈpəʊlə美ˌsɝkəmˈpolɚAHDsûr'kəm-pōʹlər 高COCA⁵⁹³²⁹BNC⁶⁴⁹⁵⁴iWeb³⁸⁸⁰³

of a celestial body continually visible above the horizon during the entire 360 degrees of daily travel;

a circumpolar star

located or found throughout a polar regionAntarctic Circumpolar Current南极绕极流circumpolar star拱极星circumpolar lacuna环极孔隙circumpolar current绕极海流circumpolar cyclone环极气旋circumpolar vortex环极涡旋circumpolar distribution环极分布
用作形容词It's commonly considered a singlecircumpolarspecies.这一般被认为是极地地区单一的品种。 An analysis of the simulated results shows significant banded structure and non zonal characteristics of the Antarctic Circumpolar CurrentACC in this region.
对模拟结果的分析表明,该海区的南极绕极流具有非常显著的条带状分布和非纬向性特征。 http://dj.iciba.com

To be sure, the ice-sheathed continent is bathed in cold by fierce circumpolar winds and other climate factors and the lands east of the Transantarctic Mountains are getting even colder.
当然,冰雪覆盖的南极大陆由于极地周围凌冽的寒风以及其它一些气候因素使得它被严寒包裹,而且南极横贯山脉 Transantarctic Mountains以东的陆地甚至变得越来越冷。 ebigear

Arctic Circumpolar Boundary CurrentACBC is a newly revealed ocean phenomenon, which explains the flow route of Atlantic water in the Arctic Ocean and is a circulation around earth rotation axis.
北极环极边界流是新近揭示的重要海洋现象,是对北冰洋海洋环流长期研究结果综合得到的概念。 dictall

As the spin stopped, the oceans would all fall back toward the poles, drowning everything north of Chicago and south of Buenos Aires and creating two massive circumpolar oceans.
当地球完全停止转动时,海水将向两极倒灌,淹没整个芝加哥北部和布宜诺斯艾利斯南部,在极圈附近造成两处新的海洋。 yeeyan

First, the chilly Malvinas Current, a north- flowing branch of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, flows north along the edge of the South American continental shelf.
首先,环南极洋流的一支——马尔维纳斯寒流向北流动,流经南美洲大陆架的边缘。 yeeyan

Polar bears are a potentially endangered species living in the circumpolar north.
北极熊是一个生活在环北极地区的可能有灭绝危险的物种。 topsage

That's because of a clockwise current of water called the Antarctic circumpolar current.
这是由于被称为南极绕极环流的顺时针环流造成的。 yeeyan

The Inuit Circumpolar Council is a non-governmental organization that represents about150,000 Inuit.
因纽特人极地理事会是一个非政府组织,代表着约15万的因纽特人。 yeeyan

You sail into a bay in bright sunshine and air scrubbed clean by the ceaseless circumpolar wind.
当你在明亮的阳光下驶入海湾,空气因风暴的反复冲刷而清澈透明。 yeeyan




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