

单词 circumnavigation
释义 cir·cum·nav·i·ga·tion 英,sə:kəm,nævi'geiʃn美,sə:kəm,nævi'geiʃn 高COCA⁶⁹⁹²¹BNC⁵¹⁴³⁴iWeb³⁵²²⁸

traveling around something by ship or plane;

Magellan's circumnavigation of the earth proved that it is a globe

词根词缀: circum-周围 + -nav-船 + -ig-驾驶,引导 + -ation名词词尾circumnavigate环球航行
circumnavigate+ion名词后缀⇒circumnavigation n.环球航行,周游世界近义词 round圆的circle圆圈bypass绕开circuit巡回go-round争论go-around回合circumvention规避风险…

用作名词Magellan'scircumnavigationof the earth proved that it is a globe.麦哲伦的周游世界说明地球是圆的。
When the university repairs administrative science, mycircumnavigationsearchs all sorts of fashionable products to bring back Italy.在大学修行政科学时,我周游世界寻找各种时尚产品带回意大利。as in.circuit
同义词 course,district,lap,route,tourambit,area,bounds,circle,circling,circulation,circumference,circumscription,circumvolution,compass,cycle,gyration,gyre,journey,limit,line,orbit,perambulation,perimeter,periphery,range,region,round,tract,turn,turning,twirl,way,wheel,whirl,wind,winding,zone
反义词 center,inside,interior,middleas in.detour
同义词 deviation,diversionbranch,bypass,bypath,byway,circuit,circumvention,crotch,divergence,fork,substitutealternate route,back road,circuitous route,circumbendibus,roundabout way,runaround,secondary highway,service road,temporary route
circuitnoun revolution, track, boundary
detournoun indirect course
alternate route,back road,branch,bypass,bypath,byway,circuit,circuitous route,circumbendibus,circumnavigation,circumvention,crotch,deviation,divergence,diversion,fork,roundabout way,runaround,secondary highway,service road,substitute,temporary route On the other hand maybe earrings were worn as a symbol of having achieved some great feat, such as a circumnavigation of the globe, or a crossing of the Equator.
另一方面,戴耳环可能是完成某些壮举的标志,例如一次环球旅行或是超越赤道。 yeeyan

First single-handed to complete more than one non- stop circumnavigation.

He performed the fastest sail circumnavigation, the fastest sail transatlantic crossing and the highest flight in a glider, nine miles15.5km above the Andes.
并且他还进行了最快的环球帆船航行,最快的的跨大西洋的帆船穿越和在安第斯山脉9英里15.5公里上空进行最高的滑翔机飞行。 ecocn

In order to achieve a safe and successful circumnavigation, one has to…
要达到平安成功的环航需配合如下… tw2world.com

It's the first submerged circumnavigation of the Earth.
这是第一次核潜艇环球水下航行。 yeeyan

Mr. Piccard was part of a team that carried out the first non- stop circumnavigation of the earth in a balloon.
Piccard先生曾是气球不间断环绕地球的团队一员。 yeeyan

Nor was it the silvery inflated sphere, ten storeys high and fitted with giant propane burners, in which in2002 he had made the first solo circumnavigation of the globe by balloon.
它也不是银白色的充气球体,十层楼高,装载着几个巨大丙烷燃烧炉。2002年他已经驾驶这气球作了第一次独自环球飞行。 topsage

Request circumnavigationto circumnavigate 30km right of track airway to avoid the thunderstorm.
请求向航迹航路右方绕行30公里以避开雷雨。 blog.sina.com.cn

So the idea of “ Zheng He's circumnavigation” is merely the result of reasoning and hypothesis, but not historical facts.
所以“郑和环球航行说”仅是一种推测和假设,而不是历史事实。 jllib

This is the typical response to his forthcoming trip: a slow travel, low-carbon global circumnavigation, writes Ed Gillespie.
这是人们对他即将开始的旅程的典型反应,埃德•吉勒斯皮耶写道,这是一个缓慢的低碳环球旅行。 chinadialogue

Though Magellan didn't complete the entire circumnavigation, as the expedition's leader he is usually credited with being the first man to circle the globe.
尽管麦哲伦没有完成航行的全程,但,作为船队的首领,他被公认为环球航行第一人。 ebigear




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