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词汇 circle
释义 cir·cle 英ˈsɜːkəl美ˈsɝkəlAHDsûrʹkəl ★★★★☆常初中高四六研IST牛4COCA¹⁸¹²BNC²⁶⁶⁵iWeb¹⁹⁵⁵Economist⁴⁰⁰²

C圆,圆周; 圈,环状物

a curved line on which every point is equally distant from one fixed point inside the curve; sth having the general shape of this curve or ring


a group of people connected in an informal way by common interests


an upper floor in a theatre, usually with seats set in curved rows

C周期; 循环

a process or chain of events which finishes where it begins

vt. & vi. 环绕; 盘旋

move in a circle around sth; go around in a circle

ellipse in which the two axes are of equal length; a plane curve generated by one point moving at a constant distance from a fixed point;

he calculated the circumference of the circle

an unofficial association of people or groups;

the smart set goes there

they were an angry lot

something approximating the shape of a circle;

the chairs were arranged in a circle

movement once around a course;

he drove an extra lap just for insurance

a road junction at which traffic streams circularly around a central island;

the accident blocked all traffic at the rotary

street names for flunitrazepana curved section or tier of seats in a hall or theater or opera house; usually the first tier above the orchestra;

they had excellent seats in the dress circle

any circular or rotating mechanism;

the machine punched out metal circles

travel around something;

circle the globe

move in circlesform a circle around;

encircle the errors


❌ The young writer is quite active in literary circle.

✔️ The young writer is quite active in literary circles.


circle, band, crowd, gang, group, herd, host, mass, mob, multitude, set

这组词的共同意思 是“一伙人”。其区别在于:

1.从组成上说:band常指有共同目的的、有领导者的一群人。 circle指因志同道合而形成的圈子或结成的团体,聚会频繁,文明高雅。crowd指毫无秩序地挤在一起的人群, 含有混乱、拥挤的意味。gang指为一个目标而聚在一起的一伙人, 常指在一起干坏事的人。group既可指有组织、有秩序的一群人, 也可指为一定目的临时聚在一起的一伙人;可指志趣相投的人,也可指社会团体;关系可密切,也可以是泛泛之交。herd 指有盲目追随心理的一群人。host指散落开来的一群人,也指军队或备有武装的人。mass指群众, 民众。mob指乌合之众或心怀不满而聚在一起寻衅滋事的一群人。multitude常指人数庞大的人群。set指有共同社会地位或相同目的的社会团体,也可泛指广泛的人群, 有时可指势力集团。


3.从修辞色彩上说:band, gang, herd, mob多含贬义;set指势力集团时也含有贬义。

4.从语体上说:host, set是口语用词;multitude是正式用词或较陈旧用词。

circle, globe


1.globe指圆球状实心体,如天体、地球仪、眼球等,尤其常用来指世界、地球; circle指圆等环状物体,如戒指、王冠、光环等。例如:

The astronauts in an earth space station circle the globe many times a day.地球太空站里的宇航员每天要绕地球转许多圈。
Can you describe a circle within a square?你能在正方形里做一圆圈吗?


This discovery is highly appreciated in the circle of science.这个发现在科学界得到很高的评价。
circle, encompass, environ, gird, girdle, hem, ring, surround


surround指成环状包围,有时也指形成某种环境或边界; environ强调永久或长期地被包围; circle强调合围成一个实在的封圈,也指环绕某物、某处运行; encompass指出于保护、尊敬或敌视等动机把某人或某地包围起来; gird指围成一道牢固或不可突破的屏障; girdle则暗示形成带状围绕; ring指围成一个圈。










来源于拉丁语circus, -i, m圆,环
用作名词 n.
动词+~come full circle兜了一圈后回到原地describe a circle画一个圆圈draw a circle画一个圆圈enter the circle of进入…界〔团体〕extend the circle of扩大…的范围form a circle形成一个圈子join a circle加入一个团体make a circle画圆make a full circle绕一圈,兜个圈子,回到原处narrow the circle缩小范围reason in a circle用循环论法说理sit in a circle环坐square the circle做办不到的事情形容词+~academic circles学术界certain circles某些团体close circle亲密的一群closed circle亲密的一群cultural circles文化界educational circles教育界fashionable circles上流社会financial circles商界,金融界great circle大圆圈high circles上流社会industrial circles工业界informed circles消息灵通人士inner circle亲密的一群linguistic circles语言界military circles军事界,军事团体narrow circle狭隘的圈子non-official circles非官方团体official circles官方团体political circles政界professional circles专业界religious circles宗教界ruling circles统治阶层select circle极难加入的圈子sewing circle缝纫小组social circle社交圈the highest circle最高阶层theatrical circles戏剧界well-bred circles上流社会well-informed circles消息灵通人士wide circle广阔的圈子名词+~army circles军界art circles艺术界business circles商界center circle中圈church circles宗教界culture circles学术界,文化界family circle家庭圈子foreign trade circles外贸界music circles音乐界sporting circles体育界traffic circle环形交叉路winner's circle获胜者领奖的地方介词+~in a circle围成圆圈,在圆圈内area of a circle圆的面积circumference of a circle圆的周长diameter of a circle圆的直径radius of a circle圆的半径within the circle of有…界范围之内~+介词a circle of friends一群朋友,交友的范围a large circle of许多的,一大批,一大圈用作动词 v.~+名词circle the earth卫星等绕地球运行~+副词circle around〔round〕盘旋,围绕,新闻到处传播
用作名词n.all round the circle

绕圈子说话( not directly speaking)

come full circle

兜了一圈,回到原处,恢复原状 return to the starting point

dress circle

第一层楼厅的前排座位 balcony above the stalls in a cinema or theatre

go round in circles

忙得团团转 be very busy

in a circle

围成圈 forming a circle

run round in circles

〈口〉瞎忙 be very busy

circle around¹〔round〕 v.+adv.

绕圈子; 盘旋; 传开 move circles round; fly in circles; spread out

circle around〔round〕Our main force was ordered to circle around and attack the enemy's rear.我军主力奉命迂回,然后从背后袭击敌人。
The enemy's planes circled round and round above our heads.敌机在我们头上不停地盘旋。
The happy news soon circled round.喜讯很快就传开了。
circle around² v.+prep.

围绕 move round sb/sth

circle around sb/sthThey circle around the king.他们围绕着国王。
The hawk circled around its prey.老鹰在它的猎物周围盘旋。
circle over v.+prep.

在…上空盘旋 fly in circles over sth

circle over sthVultures circled over a dead animal.秃鹫在动物尸体上空盘旋。
The aircraft circled over the landing-field.飞机在起落场上空盘旋。方振宇词汇奥秘circ圆+le名词后缀→圆,圈,环状物
circ环,圆圈+le指小名词后缀→小圆圈→圆圈,圆形物,循环,周期⇒转作动词环绕,画圈。非常记忆cir此人+cle常乐⇒此人知足常乐所以胖得像圆圈近义词 clubclassgrouproundenclosen. ringsetv. encircle
用作名词n.She first drew a circle on the board.她首先在板上画了一个圆。
The house lay in a circle of trees.这房子坐落在树木环抱之中。
Listen to the four choices, and then draw a circle under the right one.听四个选择项,然后在正确的下面画一个圈。
She confined her activities in educational circles.她把她的各项活动都限制在教育圈内。
He is well-known in academic circles.他在学术界很有名。
He occupies a prominent position in the literary circles in the capital.他在首都文学界占有突出的地位。
He has a large circle of friends.他朋友多,交际广。
I was welcomed to the family circle.那一家人都欢迎我。
The reading circle had ceased its activities long ago.这个读书会早已停止了活动。
The novel has reached a wide circle of readers.这本小说已拥有广泛的读者群。
It is time to take a positive step to break the vicious circle.现在是采取积极步骤来打击这个犯罪团伙的时候了。
We've booked seats in the circle.我们预订了楼厅包厢的座位。
Are we going to sit in the circle or in the stalls?我们是坐楼座还是正厅前排的座位?
It's January 1st, the year has come full circle.今天是元旦,一年又周而复始。
There is a vicious circle going on—prosperity, surplus, depression.繁荣——过剩——萧条,一个恶性循环正在进行。
He drinks to forget his problems, which center on being in debt, but the money he spends on drink only gets him deeper in debt, and so on—it's a viciouscircle.为了忘却烦恼他喝酒,而烦恼的中心又是欠债,但他喝酒花费的钱只能使他负债更多,如此下去——那真是恶性循环。用作动词v.
S+~+AThey saw the birds were circling again.他们看见鸟儿又在盘旋。
A number of planes were circling overhead.数架飞机在上空盘旋。
Rumors circled through the town.谣言传遍全镇。
S+~+ n./pron.The plane circled the airport before landing.飞机着陆以前在机场上空盘旋。
The teacher circles the pupil's spelling mistakes in red ink.老师用红笔把学生的拼写错误圈出来。
The moon circles the earth.月亮围绕地球转。
The ship has circled the Cape.船绕过了好望角。
The enemy circled the camp.敌人包围了营地。Pexcircle外圆Psemi-circle半圆Pcirclecuf环形袖带Psemicirclen.半圆形Pcirclewisead.环形地Pcircumcirclen.外接圆Pencirclevt.环绕围绕包围Pencirclementn.环绕围绕包围Pcircletn.小圈小的环环形饰物


circle的基本意思是“圆,圆周; 圈; 环状物”,是可数名词。







用作名词The dancers were standing in acirclearound the fire.舞者们围着篝火站成一圈。
A square has four sides but acirclehas no sides.正方形有四条边,而圆形没有边。
He has a largecircleof friends.他有一大群朋友。
He is part of an exclusive socialcircleand belongs to an exclusive club.他所处的社交圈子很排外,而且参加的又是个很排外的社团。
We've booked seats in thecircle.我们预订了楼厅包厢的座位。用作动词Someone hadcircledthe next paragraph in red.有人将下一段划了一个红圈。
Our armycircledthe desperate enemy and wiped them out in a second.我们的军队包围了垂死挣扎的敌人,并很快地将其一举歼灭。
The planecircledthe airport before landing.飞机在着陆之前在机场上空盘旋。
The mooncirclesthe earth every 28 days.月亮每28天绕地球旋转一周。noun.orb, loop, round figure
同义词 ring,sphereamphitheater,aureole,band,belt,bowl,bracelet,circlet,circuit,circumference,circus,cirque,coil,compass,cordon,corona,crown,cycle,disc,disk,ecliptic,enclosure,equator,globe,halo,hoop,horizon,lap,meridian,orbit,perimeter,periphery,record,revolution,ringlet,round,stadium,tire,turn,wheel,wreath,zodiaccolure,full turn,parallel of of close friends, associates
同义词 camp,class,clique,club,company,crowd,fraternity,party,ring,school,societyassembly,bunch,cabal,camarilla,clan,companions,comrades,coterie,crew,cronies,crush,gang,insiders,intimates,lot,Mafia,mob,outfit,posse,set,sororityin-groupverb.go around, circumnavigate
同义词 encircle,rotate,surround,whirlbelt,cincture,circuit,circulate,circumscribe,coil,compass,curve,embrace,enclose,encompass,envelop,gird,girdle,gyrate,gyre,loop,pivot,revolve,ring,roll,round,spiral,tour,wheelbegird,circumduct,ensphere,hem in,mill around,wind about
academynoun society or institution interested in learning
associationnoun group with common interest or pursuit
affiliation,alliance,band,bunch,circle,clan,clique,club,coalition,combination,combo,company,confederacy,confederation,congress,cooperative,corporation,crew,crowd,family,federation,fellowship,fraternity,gang,guild,hookup,league,mob,order,organization,outfit,partnership,pool,rat pack,ring,society,sodality,sorority,syndicate,tie up,tie-in,tribe,troops,troupe,union,zoo
associationsnoun group with common interest or pursuit
bandnoun something which encircles
begirdverb surround
band,belt,beset,bind,circle,encircle,enclose,encompass,engirdle,envelop,environ,gird,girdle,hem,hem in,ring
bendverb form or cause a curve
angle away,angle off,arch,bow,buckle,camber,careen,circle,contort,crimp,crinkle,crook,crouch,curl,deflect,deform,detour,double,droop,flex,genuflect,hook,incline,incurvate,lean,loop,pervert,round,spiral,stoop,swerve,tilt,turn,twist,veer,verge,warp,waver,wilt,wind,yaw,zigzag When I graduated, I kept my circle of female friends from college, worked with all women and lived with two female roommates.
毕业后,我的朋友圈子里都是女人——我大学时的女朋友们,我跟女人一起工作,和两个女室友同居。 yeeyan

But in its circle of neighbours, it must always demonstrate that its best friends are the democrats.
但是,欧洲必须让它的这一圈邻居看到,它的最好朋友是民主国家。 ecocn

But the banks inside the Circle of Death were more reckless than most.
但是死亡之圈的银行家却比大多数人更加鲁莽。 yeeyan

But the new theory offers a way to break the circle.
但是,最新的理论给出一种方法打破这种循环。 yeeyan

Click the circle to select it, then move the mouse to an activity within the diagram.
单击圆以选择它,然后将鼠标移动到关系图中的某个活动。 ibm

Dots outside the circle represent people who have left the conversation.
圆圈外面的小点表示那些已经离开该会话的人。 ibm

He described a circle on the blackboard with a piece of chalk.

I can understand that, but I think it can create a vicious circle of crime, and of course you just pick up bad habits and mates in prison.
我可以理解他们,但是我认为这样造成了一种犯罪的恶性循环,而且一个人总会患上一些不好的习惯,然后进了监狱。 yeeyan

I had no interest in anyone beyond that circle.
我对那个圈外的任何人不感兴趣。 ebigear

I noticed that everything of importance happened in a circle.
我注意到那里很多重要的事情都在一个圈中产生。 infoq

I realize, my God, they're swapping stories. They're sitting in a circle now and each one takes the others through her own corner of hell.
我意识到,上帝啊,她们在彼此讲述自己的故事。她们围坐成一圈,每个人都讲述着他们生命中最艰难与黑暗的经历。 yeeyan

I taught her to run around in a circle, to go one way then turn around and go another.
我教她在一个圆周中的附近跑,然后去一个方法回过头而且去另外一. putclub

In this post I’d like to explore some basic techniques on how to grow your readership beyond your circle of friends and family.
在本文中,我将就怎样在你的亲密关系圈朋友及家人的基础上扩大你的博客的读者群提供几个基础方法。 yeeyan

Londoners claimed to have the largest circle of friends as adults with more than six each, compared with those in the South West who averaged less than four.

My impulse is to share them, to draw a circle of stillness around them so they can touch and inspire others.
我有一种要分享它们的冲动,在它们四周画出一个静止凝固的圈,使它们能打动和启发其他人。 yeeyan

She bent the wire into a circle.

Show me the end of a circle.
告诉我圆圈的终点在哪里。 yeeyan

Sitting together in a circle as everyone had a chance to speak, we all began to realize that none of us was alone in our struggle to cope with our reactions.

The subjects saw a circle— large, small, or in between—on a computer screen.
研究对象会在电脑屏幕上看到一个或大或小或居间的圈。 yeeyan

They shut him from their circle.

Using tools like this one to obtain bone marrow, the most nutritious part of a carcass, they set in train an ancient virtuous circle.
通过使用类似这工具来获取骨髓这种动物躯体中最有营养的部分,他们开始培养起一个古老的良性循环。 yeeyan

Well, what is the equation of this circle in polar coordinates?

Why not look at social gatherings as chances to mingle with potential colleagues and expand your circle of influence?
为什么不把社交聚会当成结识可能的同事和扩大你的影响圈的机会呢? hxen

You can circle this week on your calendar.
可以在日历上把本周圈点起来。 yeeyan

You soar a mile above the ocean, then slowly circle for20 minutes as the pilot guides you to a leisurely landing on the beach, whereupon gravity takes over again.
你们会在海洋上高飞一英里,然后慢慢盘旋20分钟,飞行员指导你从容地降落到海滩上,这时候地心引力再次起作用了。 yeeyan




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