

单词 cipher
释义 cy·pher 英ˈsaɪfə美ˈsaɪfɚAHDsīʹfər ☆☆☆☆☆高四GST宝ICOCA³⁶²⁷⁵BNC⁴³²⁹⁶iWeb¹⁶¹¹⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a message written in a secret codea mathematical element that when added to another number yields the same numbera quantity of no importance;

it looked like nothing I had ever seen before

reduced to nil all the work we had done

we racked up a pathetic goose egg

it was all for naught

I didn't hear zilch about it

a person of no influencea secret method of writing
convert ordinary language into code;

We should encode the message for security reasons

make a mathematical calculation or computation来自古法语,拉丁语,最终来自阿拉伯语sifr零,随阿拉伯数字一道传入欧洲。在英语中最初表示“零”,后来可以表示所有数字,16世纪早期衍生出“密码、加密信息”之意,因为那时候很多加密信息都是用数字来代替字母。cipher key密码电报注解,密码索…autokey cipher自密钥密码random cipher随机密码cipher mask密码消隐stream cipher流密码permutation cipher置换密码cipher device密码装置cipher feedback密码反馈cipher text密码正文cipher code密码substitution cipher代换密码,代用密码,…cipher message密码电报transposition cipher移位密码standard cipher标准密码pure cipher纯密码additive cipher加性密码cipher officer大使馆中之密码翻译员…affine cipher仿射密码block cipher分组密码cipher in algorism零
GRE红宝书参考:decipher破译; encipher译成密码
safer 更安全,需要加密;密码由一系列零和一组成
GRE难词记忆cipher→h=high 高的+price n.代价→花很高的代价研制新密码h=high高的+pricen.代价⇒花很高的代价研制新密码参考:decipherv.破译;encipherv.译成密码近义词 nix无nil无zero零zip拉链zilch无code密码cypher零naught无figure图形nought没有null无效的reckon计算encode编码encrypt加密work out做出inscribe题写shorthand速记aught任何事物calculate计算cryptogram密码encryption加密nothing没有什么cryptograph密码Nada什么也没有…secret code保密码nobody无足轻重的人…secret message极机密电nonentity无专长或成就的人…goose egg零分encipher译成密码compute用计算机或计数器计算…Zippo芝宝牌打火机汽油金属打…

用作名词The army uses a specialcipherso that military messages are kept secret.军队使用一种特殊密码,军事电讯因此得以保密。
Theciphertook me three weeks before I hit it.我费了3个多星期才把这密码解释出来。
Age is only a number, acipherfor the records. A man can't retire his experience. He must use it. Experience achieves more with less energy and time.年龄只是个阿拉伯数字。一个人不能让他的经验退休。他必须用它。依靠经验,可以用较少的精力和时间获得更多。用作动词I couldn'tcipherout why she was there.我搞不清她为什么会在那儿。
He went to school at the age of forty, and learned to read, to write, tocipher.他四十岁进学校,学习了读,写,算。noun.zero;nothingness
同义词 nonentityblank,nada,naught,nil,nobody,nothing,nought,nullity,squat,zilch,zip,zippodiddly-squat,goose egg,insignificancy,zotverb.figure out code
同义词 break,calculate,compute,count,decipher,estimate,figure,reckon,resolve,solve,unravelclear up
acrosticnoun puzzle
anagramnoun puzzle
aughtnoun nothing
calculateverb compute or estimate amount
account,add,adjust,appraise,assay,cast,cipher,consider,count,determine,divide,dope out,enumerate,figure,forecast,foretell,gauge,guess,judge,keep tabs,measure,multiply,number,rate,reckon,size up,subtract,sum,take account of,tally,tot,tote up,value,weigh,work out
characternoun written symbol
clear upverb explain;resolve
answer,cipher,clarify,decipher,dissolve,elucidate,figure out,illuminate,illustrate,make plausible,make reasonable,puzzle out,resolve,solve,straighten out,tidy,unfold,unravel A mechanical cipher device designed by Boris Hagelin that was widely used by the U.S. Army during World War II.
鲍里斯·哈格林( Boris Hagelin设计的机械密码装置,美军在二战时期曾广泛使用过。 yeeyan

And the Engineer is no robotic cipher, but a very human enemy.
这个工程师不是机器密码,而却是人类的敌人。 ecocn

The article uses the Caesar cipher tool as sample program for later discussion.
在后面的讨论中,以 Caesar密码工具作为示例程序。 ibm

The IV is then separated from the actual cipher byte array.
接着将 IV与真正的密码字节数组分离。 ibm

The watermark, Dr Venter says, includes a cipher which contains the URL of a website and three quotations, if you can work out how to decode it.
文特尔说,水印包括一段密码,你要是会解密的话,就能发现里面含有一个网站的网址和三段引文。 ecocn

All important plans were sent to the police in cipher.

Caesar cipher is a very old and straightforward encryption algorithm.
Caesar密码是一种非常古老、简单的加密算法。 ibm

Every cipher must be Base64 encoded before it can be inserted into an XML document.
在可以将每个密码插入到 XML文档之前,它们都必须用 Base64编码。 ibm

I then re- initialize the cipher with the new iv object.
然后我用新的 iv对象重新初始化这个密码。 ibm

If they do not have a cipher suite in common, then secure communication is not possible and CICS closes the connection.
如果它们没有共通的密码组合,那么就不可能实现安全通信, CICS会结束连接。 ibm

It accepts a Base64 encoded cipher byte array, and decodes and decrypts it to return the clear data string.
它接受用 Base64编码的密码字节数组,并对它译码和解密以返回明文数据字符串。 ibm

Like so many of the things we talk about here, the to-do list is really a cipher, albeit an important one.
就像我们在这儿谈到的很多事情一样,待办事项列表是一个真正的密码,而且是非常重要的一个。 yeeyan

New directories also inherit the same cipher.
新的目录同样继承相同的密码。 ibm

Or it could be a cipher, in which text is converted into other text using some algorithm.
或者可以是密码的形式,通过某种算法将某种文本转换为其他文本。 ibm

She’s cool because she’s unknowable, a cipher.
她酷,因为她神秘莫测,因为她是个等待解答的密码。 yeeyan

Switch to the SSL tab view, and specify a cipher specification.
切换到 SSL选项卡视图,并指定密码规范。 ibm

The Caesar cipher is easy to break.
凯撒密码很容易破解。 ibm

The default is STRONG, which means that CICS can use all of the cipher suites to negotiate with clients.
默认值是 STRONG,这意味着 CICS可以使用所有密码组合来与客户端协商。 ibm

The cipher byte array is then decrypted, and the decrypted byte array is returned as a text string.
接着对该密码字节数组解密,解密的字节数组作为文本字符串返回。 ibm

The cipher used to encrypt files is the inherited cipher.
用于加密文件的密码是继承而来的密码。 ibm

They then communicate using the common cipher suite that offers the highest level of security.
然后它们使用提供最高安全级别的通用密码组合进行通信。 ibm

This is a cipher, an air sandwich.
这等于零,一个空中三明治。 hjenglish

This was a kind of a motor cipher that you can encode into the muscle system and use to induce a variety of ideas in participants.
这是一种运动神经密码,你可以给肌肉系统编码,然后利用它来诱发参加者们的大量思想活动。 yeeyan

Unfortunately, prior to V7, the default SSL cipher selection of strong includes some notably weak ciphers.
遗憾的是,在 V7之前,默认的 SSL强密码选择包含一些明显非常弱的密码。 ibm

Using the certificates, cipher parameters are passed between the client and server to set up the secure connection.
使用证书,在客户机和服务器之间传递密码参数,以建立安全连接。 ibm

Using these cipher suites the data is encrypted by one end and decrypted by other end.
使用该密码组合时,数据在一端进行加密,在另一端进行解密。 ibm




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