释义 |
Ciney 基本例句 n.锡奈在比利时;东经 5º06' 北纬 50º17' Take the direction Zoning de Biron -Ciney.含增值税及城市/旅游税:包括增值税。 After that take the second exitCiney- Dinant - Liege and directionCiney.如果太迟取消预订或没出现在酒店,酒店将收取第一夜的房费。 Take ExitCineyand take the N97 in the direction of Marche -Ciney.所有的2岁以下的儿童的加婴儿床不需付费。一间客房最多可加1张幼儿床。 Caption :SPILT MILK: Milk producers poured 790,000 gallons of milk on a field nearCiney, Belgium, Wednesday to protest low dairy prices they claim are bankrupting farmers.描述:倾倒牛奶:周三在比利时,奶农们在辛尼附近的田地里倾倒了79万加仑的牛奶,以抗议奶制品价格过低。 |