

单词 cinematography
释义 cin·e·ma·tog·ra·phy 英ˌsɪnəməˈtɒgrəfiː美ˌsɪnəməˈtɑgrəfiAHDsĭn'ə-mə-tŏgʹrə-fē ☆☆☆☆☆高ICOCA⁴¹⁶⁴⁰BNC⁶⁸⁸²⁷iWeb¹⁷⁴¹²Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

the act of making a filmroentgen cinematographyX线电影摄影术…
cin=kin,移动+e连接字母+mat名词后缀-ma的延展形式+o连接字母+graph图画+y抽象名词后缀→使图画移动的方法⇒电影制片术,电影摄影术。非常记忆ph+y cinema电影院〖熟词〗+to去〖熟词〗+graph图表〖熟词〗+y树杈〖编码〗⇒到电影院去在图表上用树杈记下电影摄影术词根记忆cinemato电影+graph画+y→电影摄影术近义词 filming摄影shooting射击photography摄影camera work摄影技巧

用作名词We want to buy photographic andcinematographyequipments.我们要采购照相的和电影术设备。 And Thailand film Friday Killer received Best Cinematography and the Jury Award.
泰国电影《星期五杀手》获得最佳摄影奖和评委会奖。 hxen

It won two Oscar awards for Best Sound and Best Cinematography.
本片荣获奥斯卡最佳音响奖和最佳摄影奖。 engbus

Its cramped cinematography mirrors their daily lives.
有限的电影空间映射了他们的日常生活。 ecocn

Rather newer is the cultural discovery by the West and by the richer parts of Asia of a certain“ China chic”: the lush, epic cinematography of Zhang Yimou;
西方和带有一定“中国风格”的亚洲富国又有了新的文化发现:张艺谋豪华、壮丽的电影艺术; ecocn

The film is also nominated for its cinematography, costume design and original screenplay.
该剧也在最佳摄影奖,最佳服装设计奖和最佳原创剧本奖等奖项中获得提名。 hjenglish

The film won two Oscars for best original score and best original song, and was nominated for best art direction, best cinematography and best effects.
电影获得了两次奥斯卡最佳原创音乐和最佳原创歌曲奖,还获得了最佳艺术指导、最佳摄影和最佳效果提名奖。 yeeyan

The cinematography, the slow motion, the composition: if you're going to steal or you're going to be inspired, it should be from something great.
完美的摄制,完美的慢动作,完美的配乐:如果你想偷师或者想获取些灵感,只有依靠那些伟大的作品。 yeeyan

The1960s-era drama about love and life was nominated for the Golden Lion at last year's Venice Film Festival, and won the Best Cinematography at this year's Asian Film Awards.
这部影片以20世纪60年代为背景,讲述了爱情和生活,在去年的威尼斯电影节上获得金狮奖提名,在今年亚洲电影大奖上获得最佳摄影奖。 hjenglish

Expert cinematography, compelling acting, and a story that leaves the viewer both sorrowful and angry, are a strong combination.
专业水准的制作、敬业的表演以及激发观众伤感与愤怒的故事情节,三者被紧紧地糅合在了一起。 ecocn

He became an executive assistant to Hubbard, who gave him special tutoring in photography and cinematography.
他成了哈伯德的行政助理,哈伯德在摄影和摄像方面给了他一些特别辅导。 yeeyan

In addition to traveling and photographing all over the world, Lam taught Chinese before he studied cinematography in England.

In both these and other now less famous movies, her revolutionary approaches towards music and cinematography remain unquestioned.
在这两部以及其它名气稍逊的电影中,她对音乐和摄影艺术的运用在今天看来仍无疑是创新之举。 ecocn

That's part of what cinematography is all about.

The film category where women are scarcest is cinematography; women shot just2% of films in the study.
在电影各工种里,从事电影摄影的女性最少,研究发现仅有2%的影片是女性拍摄的。 yeeyan

THE works of Edward Morgan Forster have become popularly associated with the lush cinematography of Merchant Ivory— and Helena Bonham Carter in a corset.
提起爱德华•摩根•福斯特的著作,人们总是会联想到默歉德•艾佛瑞电影公司的奢华影片和穿着束身衣的海伦娜•伯翰•卡特。 ecocn

To me, ASC membership represents excellence and high standards in the field of cinematography.
对于我来说,进入美国电影摄影协会对我在电影摄影领域提出了更高的要求和标准。 yeeyan

Undaunted, he offered his portfolio of photographic works and was admitted to the department of cinematography.
但是他交上了自己的摄影作品,并且奇迹般的考入了北影电影艺术系。 forum.enorth.com.cn

Who is the professor of your cinematography class?
你的电影艺术学课的教授是谁? sparke




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