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词汇 Cincinnati
释义 Cin·cin·na·ti 英ˌsɪnsəˈnætiː, -ˈnætə美ˌsɪnsəˈnæti, -ˈnætəAHDsĭn'sə-nătʹē, -nătʹə 高Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰

a city in southern Ohio on the Ohio river辛辛那提Cincinnati美国中部俄亥俄州西南部城市,一开始叫Losantiville。1790年,当地政府首领Arthur St. Clair将其更名为“辛辛那提”Cincinnati,以纪念“辛辛那提协会”。该协会是一家退伍军人兄弟会,成立于1783,创办者为参加过美国独立战争的军官们。协会名称Cincinnati源自古罗马时期著名统帅和民族英雄辛辛纳图斯Cincinnatus的名字。他曾经在外敌入侵时临危受命,担任独裁官,率领罗马人击退敌人,成功后解甲归田,将权力归还至人民。因此,美国的国父华盛顿也被称为Cincinnati辛辛那提。“辛辛那提协会”的名称便是对华盛顿的敬意。
用作名词Louise lost no time in returning toCincinnati.路易丝没有耽搁,马上回到辛辛那提。
The Yankees outclassedCincinnati.这个北方佬超过了辛辛那提的运动员。 A native of Cincinnati, Ohio, Robert Test was a writer for television and radio when he wrote this essay.
罗伯特特斯特是土生土长的俄亥俄州辛辛那提人,写作此文时为电视和电台撰稿人。 ebigear

And he has two meetings scheduled for Monday with his health policy and political advisers planned around a trip to Cincinnati to observe Labor Day.
周一,他的日程安排表上有两个会议,即和他的卫生政策和政治顾问去辛辛那提庆祝劳动节。 yeeyan

Far from encouraging other ambitious women, psychologists at the University of Cincinnati found female bosses are more inclined to obstruct them.
而辛辛那提大学的心理学家们发现,女老板们才不会鼓励那些野心勃勃的女下属,反而更倾向于打压她们。 kekenet

He retired from Nasa in 1971 to become professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati, where he remained until1979.
阿姆斯特朗于1971年从美国国家航空航天局退休,其后在辛辛那提大学任航空航天工程教授至1979年。 yeeyan

The player, who surprisingly lost in the recent Cincinnati Masters, is cool-headed ahead of the Games.
纳达尔在意外输掉最近的辛辛那提大师赛后面对比赛更显冷静。 kekenet

The Democratic Party met in the city of Cincinnati, Ohio. It was the first time a national political convention was held that far west.
民主党在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市举行提名大会,这是美国第一次在遥远的西部召开全国性政治会议。 yeeyan

“ It's one study, but it's a great study,” said Michael Richardson, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Cincinnati.
这只是一项小研究,但是重要的研究。理查森,辛辛那提心理学的一名副教授说道。 yeeyan

Gregory Williams is now the president and a professor of law at the University of Cincinnati.
格雷戈里现在是辛辛那提大学的校长和法律教授。 yeeyan

He gave this talk at the North American Paleontological Convention in Cincinnati last month, and I think it’s worth reading his words unfiltered, in context.
上个月在辛辛那提举行的“北美古生物学大会”上,他做了一段讲话,我觉得很值得联系上下文、不加过滤的读一读他的话。 yeeyan

He plans to stay with his brother in Cleveland for a short time but is considering a move to either Cincinnati or New Orleans.
他计划先在克利夫兰市兄弟家小住一段时间,他考虑搬到辛辛那提或者新奥尔良。 yeeyan

His second visit to Ohio will take place Thursday in the city of Cincinnati, near Republican House Speaker John Boehner's district.
他将于星期四第二次走访俄亥俄州,前往众议院议长、共和党人贝纳的选区附近的辛辛那提市。 hxen

In 1830, only a few miles away from what is now the great city of Cincinnati, lay an immense and almost unbroken forest.
1830年,距离今天的大城市辛辛那提几英里远的地方,有一片几乎没有遭受过破坏的大森林。 yeeyan

In 2004 a center in honor of the“ underground railroad” opens in Cincinnati.
2004年,一个纪念“地下铁路”的中心将在辛辛那提州成立。 kekenet

In2005, Charlie received his doctorate in Adult Sexuality Education from the Union Institute and University in Cincinnati, Ohio.
在2005年,查理获得了俄亥俄州辛辛那提联合大学的成人性教育学的博士学位。 yeeyan

Indeed, protesters from the Occupy Cincinnati group have announced a platform for a new political party— the Occupation Party.
事实上,来自“占领辛辛那提”运动的抗议者已宣布成立了一个名为“占领党”的新政党平台。 yeeyan

STEVE DRIEHAUS is ready to speak to old folk at a community centre in Cincinnati’s western suburbs, but their game of bingo is not quite finished and the Democratic congressman has to wait.
Steve Driehaus已经准备好在辛辛那提西郊的一个社区中心对年老民众发表演说。但是他们的宾戈游戏尚未结束,这位民主党众议员仍需等待。 ecocn

That dream is why someone who began by sweeping the floors of his father’s Cincinnati bar can preside as Speaker of the House in the greatest nation on Earth.
正是这个梦想使一个最初曾在他父亲于辛辛那提开设的酒吧里扫地的人后来能够在这个地球上最伟大的国家里当上众议院议长。 putclub

The family moved west, to the city of Cincinnati, on the Ohio River.
这家人继续向西,来到俄亥俄河畔的辛辛那提。 yeeyan

The federal government has taken similar actions in the past against police departments in Los Angeles, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati.
联邦政府过去已经对洛杉矶、匹兹堡和辛辛那提的警察部门采取了类似的行动。 ecocn

The truth is: “ There’s no harm in voluntary eye crossing,” says W. Walker Motley, an assistant professor of ophthalmology at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine.
真相在此: “自己模仿着玩的斗鸡眼是无害的。”辛辛那提大学医学院的眼科学副教授 W•沃克•默特里说。

Two weeks later, starving and exhausted, the family reached Cincinnati, where they made contact with members of the Underground Railroad.
两个星期之后,饥饿疲惫的一家人来到了辛辛那提州,在那儿,他们与地下铁路的成员取得了联系。 ebigear

We never went back. Instead, we moved to a house near Cincinnati, far from the river.
我们再也没有回去,而是举家迁往离河很远的辛辛那提附近的另一幢房子。 ebigear




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