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CIGRE 基本例句 国际大电网会议¹⁰⁰ The running information of the polymeric insulators in HVDC lines of USA and New Zealand is briefly introduced according toCIGREreports.文章根据CIGRE的统计,介绍了美国和新西兰直流输电线路合成绝缘子的运行情况。 N.Hatziargyriou, M.Donnelly, M.Takasaki etc, “CIGRETechnical Brochure on Modeling New Forms of Generation and Storage”, Nov., 2000.罗天赐,分散型发电技术介绍,电机月刊第十三卷第二期,中华民国92年。 N. Hatziargyriou, M. Donnelly, M. Takasaki etc, “CIGRETechnical Brochure on Modeling New Forms of Generation and Storage”, Nov., 2000.林显宗,小容量风力发电机的研制,逢甲大学电机工程所硕士论文,中华民国90年。 Practical Dynamic Security Region Based Optimization of Security Cost, Proceedings ofCIGRESymposium on Development and Operation of Interconnections in a Restructuring Context, April, 2003.基于实用动态安全域的电力系统最优安全性综合控制;已投中国电机工程学报. CIGRE; International Conference on Laundering and Controlling Proceeds of Crime;犯罪收益的清洗和控制问题国际会议; |