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词汇 CI
释义 CI.
abbr.cast iron;certificate of insurance;Channel Islands

a unit of radioactivity equal to the amount of a radioactive isotope that decays at the rate of 37,000,000,000 disintegrations per second
being one more than one hundredci-devant从前的
近义词 Curie居里姓101one hundred …one hundred one一百零一
How DidCIXi become the Successor of KANG You-wei?慈禧缘何成为康有为的继承人?
On the Demands and Trainings ofCIProfessionals.竞争情报人才需求与培养研究。
CI: How does China view today's world order?问:中国如何看待当前世界格局? A Continuous Integration environment requires an automated build tool, a code repository, and a CI server.
持续集成环境需要一个自动构建工具、一个代码存储库和一个 CI服务器。 ibm

One of the coolest things about continuously running software inspectors in a CI tool is that teams have myriad mechanisms for notifications at their disposal.
对于使用 CI工具持续运行软件检查器而言,最酷的事就是团队有了无数任意使用的通知机制。 ibm

The beauty is that you can easily configure your CI server to display these reports.
好处在于,您可以轻松配置您的 CI服务器,以显示这些报告。 ibm

The process of CI is typically run against the repository's mainline: the trunk.
通常 CI过程都是根据储存库的干线即主干而运行的。 ibm

The purpose of using a CI server is to run an automated build whenever a change is applied to a project's version- control repository.
使用 CI服务器的目的在于,只要向项目的版本控制存储库应用了更改,就运行一个自动构建。 ibm

Accordingly, it makes sense in a CI environment to run the tests at least hourly.
相应地,在 CI环境中这些测试可以至少每小时运行一次。 ibm

Developer tests, which when run often in a Continuous Integration CI environment, effectively act like a spot light on code quality.
通常在持续集成 CI环境中运行的开发人员测试有效地扮演着代码质量聚光灯的角色。 ibm

Ensuring that tests run successfully through a build process means these same tests can be kicked off in the context of a CI build too.
确保该测试通过构建过程成功运行意味着也能从 CI构建的上下文中启动这些相同的测试。 ibm

For instance, you can set up your CI system to execute a build that only runs unit tests during code check-inswhich is often referred to as a commit build.
例如,可以设置 CI系统执行构建通常称作提交构建,该构建只在代码签入时运行单元测试。 ibm

For the trunk, the CI server automatically and continuously runs integration tests and regression tests.
对主干来说, CI服务器自动并持续地运行集成测试和回归测试。 infoq

For each work branch, CI server automatically and continuously checks that it builds and passes all unit tests.
对每个工作分支来说, CI服务器自动并持续地检查构建和运行所有单元测试的状况。 infoq

I like to think that we have moved on: more recently developers are happy with the notion that if their code passes a CI build, they are done.
我想我们得往前走了:现在的开发员当知道他们的代码通过了 CI服务会非常开心,那他们的任务才算完成了。 infoq

In fact, most CI servers provide the capability for configuring who receives which message, based on a desired build event.
事实上,大多数 CI服务器都基于所需的构建事件提供配置谁接收到哪条消息的功能。 ibm

In the case of CI, this action must be prompt because a broken build affects everyone; therefore, the feedback mechanism employed by a CI server must be timely.
而在 CI中,这个行动必须迅速,因为构建中断会影响到每一个人,因而由 CI服务器部署的反馈机制也必须及时。 ibm

It shows you how to set up a CI process that delivers a repeatable and reliable build process.
本教程讲解如何设置 CI过程来建立一个可重复的可靠的构建过程。 ibm

Many of the other CI and build- management servers provide similar report- integration capabilities.
很多其他 CI和构建管理服务器也提供类似的报告集成功能。 ibm

One of the most important enhancements we've added to our overall discipline is continuous integration CI.
持续集成 CI是我们添加到我们总体理念中的一个最重要的增强。 ibm

Our CI server checks out a clean build and runs test cases from scratch each time I check in a new change.
我们的 CI服务器会检查出一个干净的构建并会在我每次检查新更改时从头运行测试用例。 ibm

That's OK, but if they happen too frequently, it will limit the manifold benefits of CI.
这没关系,但是如果它们发生得太频繁,就会大大限制 CI的好处。 ibm

This benefit is a direct result of a CI server's ability to provide rapid feedback of build statuses.
实际上这项优点正是 CI服务器可以对构建状态进行快速反馈这一功能的直接结果。 ibm

This tutorial discusses the fundamental aspects of Continuous Integration: what it is, why you need it, how it works, even the pace of development in a CI environment.
本教程讨论持续集成的基本问题:什么是持续集成,为什么需要它,它是如何工作的,以及 CI环境中的开发步骤。 ibm

Which branches should your CI server work on?
CI服务器应该针对哪个分支运行? infoq

Within a CI system, this RSS feed can be updated based on the latest build status.
在 CI系统中,可以基于最近的构建状态对这个 RSS提要进行更新。 ibm

You can do this using a CI or build- management server.
您可以使用 CI或构建管理服务器来实现。 ibm




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