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churchmen 英t'ʃɜːtʃmən美t'ʃɜːtʃmən COCA⁵⁸⁷²⁹BNC¹⁷⁸¹⁹ 基本英英例句Thesaurus例句 n.教士⁵⁹;牧师⁴¹原型churchman的复数 名词 churchman: a clergyman or other person in religious orders 名词100% 用作名词He ranks with the greatest of Scottishchurchmen.他是最伟大的苏格兰教士之一。 Celibacy stoppedchurchmenfrom producing heirs, and the general idea was that the church lands would go back into the hands of the Church upon the death of a prelate.独身制度使得神职者不能再有后代,这也使得教会的土地在高级教士死后能够回到教会手中。 All thechurchmenhave preached against immorality.所有牧师都讲道反对不道德的行为。 Farmer andchurchmengo down the stage in opposite direction.农民与牧师反方向走下台。as in.clergyman 同义词 bishop,chaplain,cleric,evangelist,missionary,pastor,pontiff,preacher,priest,rabbiabbey,archbishop,cardinal,cassock,clerk,curate,dean,divine,ecclesiastic,father,monsignor,padre,parson,primate,rector,reverend,sermonizer,shepherd,vicarbible thumper,blackcoat,devil dodger,ecclesiast,harp polisher,predicant,pulpitarian,pulpiteer,sky pilot,sky scout,the rev,turn-around collar 反义词 layman,laypersonas in.cleric 同义词 chaplain,clergyman,minister,priest,rabbidivine,ecclesiastic,father,parson,reverendchurchwoman,clergywoman,clerical clergymannoun minister abbey,archbishop,bible thumper,bishop,blackcoat,cardinal,cassock,chaplain,churchman,cleric,clerk,curate,dean,devil dodger,divine,ecclesiast,ecclesiastic,evangelist,father,harp polisher,missionary,monsignor,padre,parson,pastor,pontiff,preacher,predicant,priest,primate,pulpitarian,pulpiteer,rabbi,rector,reverend,sermonizer,shepherd,sky pilot,sky scout,the rev,turn-around collar,vicar clericnoun preacher chaplain,churchman,churchwoman,clergyman,clergywoman,clerical,divine,ecclesiastic,father,minister,parson,priest,rabbi,reverend A single life doth well with churchmen; for charity will hardly water the ground, where it must first fill a pool. 独身生活适于僧侣之流,因为慈善之举若先须注满一池,则难于灌溉地面也。 putclub.com A single life doth well with churchmen, for charity will hardly water the ground where it must first fill a pool. 独身生活适于僧侣之流,因为慈善之举若先须注满一地,则难于灌溉地面也。 blog.sina.com.cn As we see, Marx reprimands capitalists of High Churchmen, the Methodist Church or Quakers have the similar villainous characters to that merchant of Venice. 我们看到,马克思指责高教会派贵族,卫理公会派或教友会派资本家都有莎士比亚笔下那个威尼斯商人的邪恶品质。 blog.sina.com.cn The Home of Lords consists of hereditary peers, life peers, high churchmen and some judges. 上议院由世袭的贵族、终身贵族、高级圣职人员和一些法官组成。 tdict But Latin survived as the language of churchmen and the wealthy, educated classes, and was to have a profound effect on the development of the languages of southern Europe and England. 不过,拉丁语作为宗教人士、上层阶级和知识阶层的语言,仍被继续使用,并将对南欧国家和英国的语言发展产生深远的影响。 topsage He ranks with the greatest of Scottish churchmen. 他是最伟大的苏格兰教士之一。 websaru He was respected for his learning by several churchmen and other gentlemen. 他的学识博得了一些牧师和其他绅士们的尊敬。 iciba Senator Douglas criticized the churchmen. He said they should stay out of politics. 道格拉斯参议员批评这些教会人士,他说,教会人士应该远离政治。 yeeyan To the churchmen, he was a godless atheist. 对于教会人士,他是无神论者。 v.163.com When he couldn't calm down, a couple of the churchmen escorted him to a little room in the back of the church that held the choir robes and closed the door. 见他无法安静下来,几个教士把他搀扶到教堂后面唱诗班存放衣服的地方,然后关上了门。 www.20ju.com Churchmen often led the way in establishing contact between white and indian in what became the United States. 牧师们经常在后来成为美国的那个地方在白人和当地的印第安人之间搭建了沟通的桥梁。 xinkb |