

单词 chrysanthemum
释义 chry·san·the·mum 英krɪˈsænθəməm, -ˈzæn-美krɪˈsænθəməm, -ˈzæn-AHDkrĭ-sănʹthə-məm, -zănʹ- ★☆☆☆☆高四GS宝八COCA³⁴⁶⁸³BNC⁶⁶⁷⁷⁶iWeb²⁶⁵⁴²


type of garden flower which usually flowers in autumn

the flower of a chrysanthemum plantany of numerous perennial Old World herbs having showy brightly colored flower heads of the genera Chrysanthemum, Argyranthemum, Dendranthema, Tanacetum; widely cultivated来自希腊语。由khrysos金色的+anthemon花组成。chrysanthemum stone菊花石chrysanthemum tea菊花茶mother chrysanthemum菊花dalmatian chrysanthemum除虫菊chrysanthemum flower菊花feverfew chrysanthemum小白菊chrysanthemum indicum野菊花wild chrysanthemum flower野菊花chrysanthemum dicarboxylic acid菊二酸
方振宇词汇奥秘衍生词exclus=exclude+ion名词后缀→exclusionn.拒绝,排除,排斥,排除在外exclus=exclude+ive…的→exclusiveadj.高级的,奢华的exclusivelyadv.专门地;独占地exclusivenessn.排斥性;排外性GRE红宝书chrys金黄色, anth花-金黄色的花-菊花
cry哭 + saint圣徒 + he他 + mom妈妈,墓地里在哭死去的圣徒,他的妈妈给他墓上插上菊花,菊花在国外是墓地之花
chrys(金黄色+anth 花+emum名词后缀 →金黄色的花→菊花
GRE难词记忆chrysanthemum → chrys黄 色 , 金 黄色+anthem=anth 花+um→黄色的花→菊花词根记忆chrys金黄色+ anth花+ emum名词后缀→ 金黄色的花 ⇒菊花词根记忆chrys黄色anthem花+um用作名词n.The cold weather had most deleterious consequences among thechrysanthemums.寒冷的天气对菊花产生了极有害的影响。
用作名词It was a special tea which tasted ofchrysanthemum.它是一种有菊花味的特别茶叶。
There are many species ofchrysanthemum.菊花品种很多。 A very sturdy chrysanthemum which resisted in two wet winters.
在两个潮湿的冬天抵抗的一朵非常茁壮的菊花。 iciba

Also, people will drink chrysanthemum wine. Women used to stick such a flower into their hair or hang its branches on windows or doors to avoid evilness.
人们也会喝菊花酒,有时候还会把菊花插在头上或者悬挂在窗前或门前来辟邪。 yeeyan

THE alleys of the Chrysanthemum Village medicine market in Kunming, in south-western China, are oddly quiet.
中国西南部昆明市的菊花村药材市场的小巷出奇的寂静。 yeeyan

The chrysanthemum flower wine is unique in brewing.
菊花酒的酿造十分独特。 putclub

There’s jasmine, chrysanthemum, lots of flavours.
有茉莉花茶,菊花茶,很多不同的口味。 putclub

A clusters of chrysanthemums, no matter fields, the mountain is still covered with weeds everywhere you can smell the thick chrysanthemum fragrance, bloom everywhere golden flowers.
菊花一簇簇的,不管田野,还是杂草丛生的山间,到处都可以闻到浓烈的菊花香味,到处可见开得金灿灿的花朵。 tradeask

A series of smaller terraces lining the east and west of the square will be adorned with local flowers such as Chrysanthemum and pansy.
排列在广场东面和西面的一系列更小的平台将装饰上本地花朵,例如菊花和三色紫罗兰。 hxen

He fed it chrysanthemum petals and tended to its wounds until it was strong enough to fly.
他用菊花的花瓣来喂它,还照料它的伤口,直到它康复能够飞翔。 ebigear

He pledged to transform the Chrysanthemum throne.
他也曾承诺给这座菊花宝座带来变革。 yeeyan

I am right chrysanthemum is another favorite, because only chrysanthemums, in the rest of the season things alone in full bloom.
而我对菊花又是另一种偏爱,因为只有菊花,在万物休息的季节里独自盛开着。 enwaimao.cn

In Australia, the chrysanthemum is the flower of choice, while British mothers are happy with a bunch of spring flowers.
在澳大利亚,母亲节送花的的话人们都会选择菊花,然而英国的母亲们则比较喜欢收到一束春天的花。 yeeyan

In Japan during the War of Dynasty in 1357, each warrior wore a yellow chrysanthemum as a pledge of courage.
在日本1357年王朝战争时期,每个武士都佩戴一朵黄色菊花作为勇气的保证。 yeeyan

It is one of the four favorite plants along with Chinese plum, orchid and chrysanthemum, the so-called Four Men of Honor, the characters of which are highly admired by the Chinese people.
竹子以其备受推崇的品性,与梅、兰、菊并称为“四君子”,是最深受中国人喜爱的四种植物。 hjenglish

It is said that the drinkers of the chrysanthemum wine would be free from evil and have strong physique against cold weather.
另外,饮菊花酒还有驱邪抗寒的效用。 putclub

It rained cats and dogs before we moved three hundred chrysanthemum seedlings back room from the yard.
三百株菊秧还在地上没到移入盆中的时候,下了暴雨。 ebigear

Its ingredients include Xanthium fruit, magnolia flower, wild chrysanthemum and Chinese licorice root.
其成份包括苍耳子、木兰花、野菊花和甘草。 ebigear

Jo in maroon, with a stiff, gentlemanly linen collar, and a white chrysanthemum or two for her only ornament.
乔一身栗色衣裳,配一件笔挺的男式亚麻布衣领,身上唯一的点缀是两朵白菊花。 kekenet

The tea tasted faintly of chrysanthemum.

The vegetables from plant factories--which include green leaf, romaine lettuce and garland chrysanthemum--are sold at a premium to Japanese shoppers.
日本消费者高价购买这些绿叶菜、长叶生菜、茼蒿等种植厂的蔬菜。 edu.sina.com.cn

The chrysanthemum's price in Shandong has risen to RMB3 from RMB1 and flowers such as roses and lilies also became more expensive.
山东省一些城市的菊花价格由1元1支涨到了3元,玫瑰、百合等鲜花的价格也纷纷上扬。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

This beautiful, dainty, daisy, chrysanthemum makes fantasy, you say I can not like it?
这样美丽、娇艳的菊,使人幻想的菊,你说我能不喜欢它吗? baihuoyw

We serve Wu Long tea, black tea, green tea, jasmine tea and Chrysanthemum tea.
我们餐厅有乌龙茶、红茶、绿茶、茉莉花茶以及菊花茶。 iciba

Whether, when the red blood flow over September fragrance of chrysanthemum petals, my soul will stay in your Shenpan?
是否,当这红色的血液流满九月飘香的菊花瓣,我的灵魂还会留在你的身畔? enwaimao.cn




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