

单词 chronometer
释义 chro·nom·e·ter 英krəˈnɒmɪtə美krəˈnɑmɪtɚAHDkrə-nŏmʹĭ-tər ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁵³²⁰⁸BNC⁶³²⁴⁹iWeb³⁰⁸⁶¹
an accurate clock especially used in navigation词根词缀: -chron-时间 + -o- + -meter-测量,仪表isotopic chronometer同位素计时仪…precision chronometer记录式精密记时器…chronometer watch测天表; 精密航海表…chronometer error天文钟表误差,精…chronometer noon时计正午sidereal chronometer恒星时计electronic chronometer电子时计marine chronometer航海天文钟,船钟…crystal chronometer石英钟,石英计时器…electron chronometer电子计时器chronometer rate计时表日差chronometer correction时计改正, 天文钟校…contact chronometer接触时计quartz chronometer石英钟chronometer journal天文钟日志chronometer time精密时间
方振宇词汇奥秘chronotime,时间+meter测量→精确测量时间的仪器→精密计时器,航行表方振宇词汇奥秘chron时间+o连接字母+meter计,表,仪器→精密计时器chronotime,时间+meter测量→精确测量时间的仪器⇒精密计时器,航行表GRE难词记忆chronometer→chrono时间+meter计量仪器→记时计近义词 clock时钟

用作名词Murchison followed with his eye the hand of hischronometer.莫奇生的眼睛追随着他的时计的秒针。
James is conversant withchronometerand geography.詹姆斯精通天文和地理.noun.watch
同义词 clock,hourglass,metronome,timepiece,timer
clocknoun timekeeping device
Big Ben,alarm,chroniker,chronograph,digital watch,hourglass,metronome,pendulum,stopwatch,sundial,tick-tock,ticker,timekeeper,timemarker,timepiece,timer,watch
timepiecenoun device that tells time
alarm clock,calendar,chronograph,chronometer,chronoscope,clepsydra,clock,dial,gnomon,horologe,hourglass,isochronon,metronome,pendulum,repeater,stopwatch,sundial,time-keeper,watch
watchnoun clock worn on body
analog watch,chronometer,digital watch,pocket watch,stopwatch,ticker,timepiece,timer,wristwatch
watchesnoun clock worn on body
analog watches,chronometers,digital watches,pocket watches,stopwatches,tickers,timepieces,timers,wristwatches An inexpensive quartz watch produced with a great deal of automation has between50 and100 parts; a Rolex Oyster chronometer has220 parts.
廉价石英手表制作了大量的50至100之间,自动化;牡蛎有220件计时器的劳力士。 http://dj.iciba.com

Besides applied in remote sensing image, texture recognition can be made full use of in medical image, chronometer image, micrograph image and so on.
纹理识别不仅可以应用在遥感图像上,对医学图像、天文图像、显微图像等其它图像都具有应用的价值。 cnki

Making a leather strap begins with a visual check of the texture of the hides; the color is also scrutinized by means of a “ chronometer”.
首先对皮革质地进行目测挑选;皮革的颜色也需符合“精密时计”的档次。 iwatch365

The final quality control guarantees that the operational parameters of each movement comply with the requirements of the Swiss Official Chronometer Testing Institute COSC.
最终质量检测可确保每一台机芯的运行参数完全符合瑞士官方天文台认证中心 COSC的严苛要求。 iwatch365

The chronometer-maker's expert hand plays an essential role in this process.
生产精密时计的专家们的手工调试在这一工序中起着关键性的作用。 iciba

“ It's not going to be at the accuracy level of a chronometer for the Olympic events, ” he says.
“这不会是如用在奥林匹克世运的精密的时钟, ”他说。 suiniyi

A compass can be used to calculate heading, used with a sextant to calculate latitude, and with a marine chronometer to calculate longitude.
罗盘能被用来测算方向,用六分仪测算纬度,用航海钟来测算经度。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

Ancient chronometer glossary is a weak part in the study of ancient Chinese glossary.
古天文词汇是古汉语词汇研究中的薄弱环节。 cnki

In 1990, large space telescope such as Hubble telescope on the history of chronometer.
年,以哈勃望远镜为代表的大型太空望远镜登上了天文史舞台。 www.fuzhong.sd.cn

In a long poem titled Queries to the Heaven, he asked in a breath172 questions about chronometer, geography, myth, legend, history, etc. These questions were full of disbelief spirit.
在一首名为《天问》的长诗里,他一口气提了有关天文地理、神话传说、历史等方面的172个问题,充满了怀疑精神。 blog.sina.com.cn

My watch is more expensive because it's a chronometer.
我的手表是精密型的, 中小学英语口语所以要比你的贵。 www.kyb.askxt.org

So, he outfitted everybody with a small electronic device, called a perceptual chronometer, which is basically a clunky wristwatch. It flashes numbers just a little too fast to see.
所以,他给大家都戴上了一个小电子计数器,它基本上是一个笨重的电子手表,只是上边的数字闪烁的太快了,凡人无法看清楚。 yeeyan

Solomon Gills is in the act of seeing what time it is by the unimpeachable chronometer.
所罗门·吉尔斯那时正在看他那只完美无缺的精密计时表,看看是什么时候了。 kekenet

The supposed advantage was that any observer with a decimal chronometer and a view of the sun’s height above the horizon would then know instantly where on the planet he was.
人们认为这种表的优势在于:任何人只要有这样一块十进制表,再能看到地平线以上太阳的高度,就会立刻知道他在地球上的位置。 ecocn

The chronometer, which has four channels, records the time of input pulse from each channel.
该测时仪的四个输入通道分别记录该通道输入脉冲信号的时刻值。 cnki

Unlike decimal coordinates, which you can determine using a sextant and a chronometer, you cannot determine UTM coordinates without calculations.
十进制坐标可通过一个六分仪和一个记时计确定,与此不同的是,必须通过计算才能确定 UTM坐标。 ibm




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