

单词 chronologically
释义 chron·o·log·i·cal·ly 英ˌkrɒnə'lɒdʒɪkli美ˌkrɒnə'lɒdʒɪkli 高COCA³⁸³¹⁵BNC²⁹⁵³⁶iWeb²²⁰⁰¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

with respect to chronology;

he is chronologically older

chronologically gifted年老的chronological按时间顺序的…
A selection of50 of them are on view in Dulwich, hung chronologically in rooms painted a warm, blue grey.
它们按年代先后顺序依次挂在一个个漆成蓝灰色的暖屋里。 ecocn

All replies within both topics will be merged chronologically.
两个主题的回复都会被按年代合并。 wordpress

It is modeled on the Japanese system, which assigns addresses chronologically instead of geographically.
韩国的地址系统模仿的是日本的体系。这就是说,地址的标号是根据年代而不是根据地理位置。 hxen

The baroque rose and fell at different times from country to country, and the exhibition is arranged thematically rather than chronologically.
巴洛克艺术风格的兴起和衰落时间在各个国家有所不同,而此次展览也是按照主题、而不是时间来安排的。 ecocn

The show moves chronologically, from his earliest monochromatic canvasses to his sponges, “Anthropométries” and fire paintings.
此次展出的作品按年代排序,从他最早的单色油画到他的海绵画、“人体测量学”和火画。 ecocn

Chronologically, during the first15 years from1868 to1883, Chorleywood was merely a very small village with one main road to its west.
从年代的变迁来看,从1868-1883的15年里, Chorleywood仅仅是一个很小的村庄,西面有一条主路。 putclub

Arranged chronologically, it begins with the novel’s primordial period— everything up to 1800— and then marches century by century into the present.
按年代排列,它开始于小说的产生时期--一切回溯到1800年--然后一个世纪一个世界的进行到现在。 yeeyan

Arranged chronologically, many of these bags are imaginative, witty and charming.
按年代摆放的这许多包充满想象、智慧和魅力。 ecocn

But a dazzling new pictorial history of the city takes that treaty signing as its starting point and, like Shanghai, sprints chronologically toward the future in a blur of images.
可是在那以后便开始了一段崭新、眩目的图片历史,它向未来展开了短速疾跑,为世人保留了一些关于上海的模糊记忆。 yeeyan

Each location is a linear list of books, which you can sort alphabetically by title or author and chronologicallyby the last time you viewed the book.
每个状态都是图书线性列表,你能够通过字母顺序或按标题和作者和年代上次看过的时间排序。 yeeyan

Functionality should provide for displaying alarm lists by priority, unit, or chronologically.
报警显示表应具有按优先级、单位或时间顺序显示的功能。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

He's claiming to write an orderly account, but if he is claiming that he's giving us a more chronologically accurate account then he's wrong, as we'll see.

High Volume Logging: It is probably impossible for any logging system to guarantee logs get written chronologically in same order as the original events.
大容量日志:要让任何日志系统确保日志是按事件顺序于原始事件相同顺序记载的或许是不可能的。 yeeyan

If we can't stay chronologically young, the scientists reason, we can at least live and feel as if we are.
科学家们推论,如果按年代来说,我们不能保持年轻,我们至少也能像年轻人似的生活,有年轻人似的感受。 yeeyan

It will depict the past169 years of Chinese history chronologically from the Opium War to the present.
这部作品展现了自1840年鸦片战争至今169年来中华民族的伟大复兴过程。 iciba

Medal of Honor’s story begins, chronologically, just before the terrorist attacks of Sept.11,2001.
《荣誉勋章》的故事在2001年的9/11恐怖袭击之前片刻开始。 yeeyan

Monks had more rigorous daily schedules with all the various prayers they had to perform so they were more likely to be chronologically regular in their habits—as it were.
僧侣的日常作息更加严格,每天要做各种祈祷,于是作息习惯应该、并且确实十分规律。 yeeyan

Parsing options include sorting the formatted trace records chronologically or by process or thread.
解析选项包括按照时间顺序或者按照进程或线程来排序格式化的跟踪记录。 ibm

Sophomore and junior years: parallels the Western civilization course chronologically.
二年级和一年级学生要求:按时间顺序与西方文明史并行开讲。 yeeyan

There’s a reason great artists are always clustered together, both geographically and chronologically.
无论从地理上还是从时间顺序上,伟大的艺术家们总是聚集在一起,这是有原因的。 yeeyan

Thus, each past event is not only chronologically, but causally tied to the present and future events.
因此,每个过去的事件不仅顺序,但因果关系联系在一起的现在和未来事件。 newchannel

Trace point numbers appear consecutively in a chronologically formatted output file.
跟踪点号按照年月顺序出现在格式化的输出文件中。 ibm




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