

单词 chroniclers
释义 chroniclers ˈkrɔnikləz COCA⁵¹⁴⁷⁸BNC³⁴¹⁹³Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.年代记编记录者chronicler的名词复数原型chronicler的复数 However, reports of Liu Jin's wealth might have been grossly exaggerated, since chroniclers used his story to warn what can happen when an imperial eunuch annoys enough people.
刘瑾的财富报告可能被过分渲染,因为编年史编者会使用这个故事来警告执政者当一个宦官掌权时会发生什么。 blog.sina.com.cn

It has always been my belief that only one version of the Robotech story exists, and that we writers are mere chroniclers of that tale.
只有一种版本的《太空堡垒》故事,而我们作者只不过是这个故事的记录人,以上这两点一直是我的准则。 rtucn

All this makes Lebanon a fascinating subject, but also a hazardous one for its chroniclers.
这一切让黎巴嫩成为令人着迷的题材,但对该国的纪实者而言是在是糟糕透顶。 ecocn

Britain has its own innovative court chroniclers.
英国本土也有具有创新意识的法庭记录人。 ecocn

Contemporary chroniclers recall the huge numbers of locusts swarming from the Wild Fields and destroying crops and grass, which forecast Tartar raids.

Huge casualty figures reported for ancient and medieval battles should be treated with caution; few are eye-witness reports and chroniclers were prone to exaggeration.
在面对古代战争以及中世纪战争所报道的大量人员伤亡时,大家应该谨慎对待;这些报道中,很少是亲临战场的报道,而那些编年史记录员也习惯夸大其词。 ecocn

Rarely combatants or politicians, they offer their services as advisors, tutors, and chroniclers for every major race in the world.
极少有参战者和参政者,他们所提供的服务就像顾问,导师,和编年史学者,一直记录着这个世界的每个主要种族。 yeeyan

There are growing legions of online chroniclers, reporting on and reflecting about sports, politics, business, celebrities and every other conceivable niche.
现在网上的关于年代记编、汇报、体育的报导、政治、商业、名人以及任何你能想像的领域的博客都在变得越来越多。 dxy

They are more than chroniclers, they are interpreters of daily life.
但是,他们又不只仅是编年史,而是一天一天的生活的讲解人。 qqbasa




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