

单词 ADM
释义 ADMCOCA²⁰⁴⁰⁵BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
abbr.防空导弹=Air-Defence Missile
A key reason that an organization should consider an enterprise architecture implementation using the TOGAF ADM is that is provides a development roadmap arrived at by industry consensus.
一个机构应该使用 TOGAF ADM以考虑企业架构实施的关键原因,在于提供一个业界达成共识的开发路线图。 ibm

On the other hand, ADM's grain transport business has benefited from increased agricultural demand.
另一方面, ADM的谷物运输产业由于农作物的需求增加而受益。 yeeyan

The Architecture Development Method ADM can be applied to SOA, security, cloud, hybrids, and federated services ecologies.
架构开发方法 ADM可应用于 SOA、安全、云、混合型服务、联合服务生态环境等。 infoq

A popular and robust implementation of ADM is through achieving“ model targets” that represent common milestones for both enterprise architecture and solution delivery projects.
通过达到代表企业架构与方案交付项目共同重要时刻的“模型目标”,来获得 ADM一个流行和强大的实施方案。 ibm

Additional detail in the execution of the ADM in the Preliminary phase, and using capability based planning for the Opportunities& Solutions and Migration Planning phases.
在预备阶段执行 ADM的额外细节,还有更多以机遇与解决方案、迁移计划阶段规划为基础的应用能力的细节。 infoq

Also, after the change passed the Business, Information and Technology architectures in the ADM circle, isn't it a bit late for architectural opportunities to take place?
而且,在更新通过了 ADM周期的业务,信息和技术架构之后,再执行架构机会是不是有点晚了呢? infoq

An EA implementation using TOGAF ADM may leverage estimation several times in a cycle.
使用 TOGAF ADM实施 EA在一个周期可以进行几次评估。 ibm

An ADM process can accommodate any variety of project options, see“ TOGAF or not TOGAF: Extending Enterprise Architecture beyond RUP” in Resources.
一个 ADM过程可以适应不同类型的项目选项,查看“ TOGAF或者非 TOGAF:扩展企业架构以超越 RUP”参见参考资料。 ibm

Buffett's son, Howard Buffett, joined ADM in1992, serving as a director and head of investor relations.
巴菲特的儿子 Howard Buffett曾经在1992年加入 ADM并担任投资关系部门的主管。 yeeyan

But what happened with SOA and Governance in the TOGAF Architecture Development Model ADM, which “ describes a method for developing an enterprise architecture, and forms the core of TOGAF”?
但是,描述了开发企业架构并成为 TOGAF核心的架构开发模型 ADM中的 SOA和治理又是怎样的呢? infoq

Conclusion The wide distribution of ADM in the brain indicates that ADM has important role in the central nervous system.
结论 ADM在中枢神经系统的广泛分布,预示着 ADM在中枢神经系统内具有重要的作用。 cnki

CONCLUSION ADM- NC with high encapsulation efficiency can be obtained through optimized emulsion polymerization method.
结论利用乳化聚合法可制备具有较高包封率的 ADM- NC; cnki

I have taken an initiative and re- defined the ADM from SOA perspective as shown in Figure3.
我曾参与过一个项目并从 SOA的角度对 ADM进行了重定义,如图3所示的。 infoq

In March, ADM announced plans to expand its grain storage facilities in northeast Missouri and western Illinois to handle increased production from farmers in the region.
ADM宣布在密苏里州东北部和伊利诺伊州西部扩建它的谷类贮存设施,来处理该地区农民增加的产量。 yeeyan

Objective To investigate the expression of adrenomedullin ADM and ADM receptor ADMR in epiretinal membranes ERM of proliferative vitreoretinopathy PVR.
目的探讨肾上腺髓质素 ADM及其受体 ADMR在增生性玻璃体视网膜病变 PVR 前膜中的表达。 iciba

Objective To study the preparation technique and in vitro drug release of adriamycin gelatin microspheres ADM- GMS.
目的对阿霉素明胶微球 ADM- GMS的制备工艺及体外释药特性进行研究。 cnki

Phase D completes the detailed architecture work of the TOGAF ADM cycle with the delivery of Technology Architecture.
阶段 D利用技术架构的交付完成了 TOGAF ADM循环的详细架构工作。 ibm

Plasma ADM, ET-1 levels of patients in acute phase pre- treatmentand convalescent phase and controls were measured by specific radioimmunoassay.
采用特异性放射免疫分析法测定肺炎患儿急性期治疗前、恢复期及健康对照儿童血浆 ADM、 ET-1水平。 iciba

The entire framework has some striking similarities with TOGAF ADM, how does it compare and contrast?
整个框架跟 TOGAF ADM方法有极为相似之处,二者对比有何异同? infoq

The results indicated that the content of ADM target liposomes in the tumor tissues was higher apparently than free ADM.
结果表明,靶向脂质体组阿霉素 ADM在肿瘤组织的含量明显高于游离阿霉素组。 staff.ustc.edu.cn

This leads to the revision of the TOGAF ADM and repositioning the architecture development phases accordingly.
这就产生了我对 TOGAF ADM的修改并对相应的架构开发阶段的重新定位。 infoq

TOGAF ADM is not an end- to- end process; it is a framework and, as such, requires organization- specific tailoring.
TOGAF ADM不是端到端的过程,它是框架,且同样需要具体到组织的裁减。 ibm

ADM requirements management deals with all kinds of requirements, including most notably business drivers, concerns, and new functionality and change requests.
ADM需求管理处理所有类型的需求,包括显著的业务推动者、关系,及新的功能和变更请求。 ibm




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