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Chris·tian·i·za·tion ˌkristjənaiˈzeiʃən;-niˈz- iWeb⁵⁵⁴³⁹ 基本英英近义反义例句 v.基督教化⁶⁰;信仰基督教⁴⁰
Noun: conversion to Christianity近义词 Christianisation皈依基督教 Has a feature film ever been made about the forced christianization and cultural assimilation of the Sami? 你曾经有看到过哪部关于萨米人被强迫信基督教或是对他们进行文化同化的故事片吗? yeeyan Duke of Bohemia who encouraged Christianization and was martyred by his brother Boleslav. He is popularly associated with Christmastide charity and is the patron saint of Bohemia. 波希米亚公爵,他鼓励基督教化,被其兄弟博列斯拉夫杀害。人们普遍将他与圣诞节节期联系在一起,他是波希米亚的守护神。 poptool She learns about St. Augustine, St. Aquinas, and the christianization of Greek philosophy that occurred in the Middle Ages. 她得知圣奥古斯丁,圣阿奎那,和基督教的希腊哲学发生在中世纪。 lwdx123.com The Northern crusades were the important factors of Latin- Christianization and Germanization in these conquered regions, and reoriented the civilization of these societies. 北方十字军是将波罗的海地区和西欧天主教世界连接在一起的纽带,是波罗的海地区天主教化和德国化的重要因素。 cnki Under Roman rule, having no political independence, the Greeks, as a Kulturnation, preserved their ethnic identity through the eve of Christianization. 在罗马统治下,希腊人虽然丧失了政治独立,但仍作为一个“文化民族”将其传统的民族认同一直保持到基督教化前夕为止。 cnki |