释义 |
Chrisman 基本例句 n.克里斯曼¹⁰⁰ Chrismanpoints out many times that there are two different ways to code and observe spatial strategies.克里斯曼指出许多次,有两种不同的方式进行编码,并观察空间战略。 About the Author JessicaChrismanhold a master's degree in Fine Arts specializing in curriculum design and instruction, and a bachelor's degree in elementary education.在认知观念上的相关能力,有些东西是你可以教给你的小朋友的,帮助他成功地完成幼稚园生活。幼儿是否能分辨颜色和形状?会不会写和认得自己的名字?认不认得数字1到10? Women of childbearing age who plan to hae children should be adised by their gynecologist of other fibroid treatment options,Chrismanadised the ISET audience.“纤维瘤引起不育的精确原因仍然未知,”他说,“大约1%到2.;5%的不育妇女,纤维瘤可能是唯一的原因。” Women of childbearing age who plan to have children should be advised by their gynecologist of other fibroid treatment options,Chrismanadvised the ISET audience.“纤维瘤引起不育的精确原因仍然未知,”他说,“大约1%到2.;5%的不育妇女,纤维瘤可能是唯一的原因。” But as producers Frank Simmonds and MichaelChrismanof Britain's Carlton Television made clear in a new documentary titled “Organ Farm”, the barriers to cross-species medical procedures are slowly coming down.但是正如英国卡尔顿电视制片人,弗兰克 - 西蒙兹和米切尔 -克里斯曼在一部名叫“器官农 Chrisman,J J.Chua,J H.Litz,R A unified systems perspective of family firm performance:An extension and integration 2003关于家族涉入度应该以多少控股权为界限,学术界并没有统一的标准,且一直存在争论;本文撇开这些争论,用不同的指标来分组检验 |