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词汇 chp
释义 chpCOCA⁶¹⁴⁹²BNC³⁵⁹⁹⁶
An inquiry was launched only after a parliamentarian from the opposition Republican People’s Party CHP petitioned the government.
政府正式请求在野的共和人民党 CHP的一位国会议员着手开始调查这一事件。 ecocn

Appalled remnants of the CHP old guard are plotting to overthrow Mr Kilicdaroglu.
共和人民党 CHP老革命中被吓破了胆的残余分子正密谋推翻克勒奇达若奥卢先生。 ecocn

One CHP billboard, featuring a chador- clad figure, called on voters to vote no“ if you don’t want to be forced to dress like nuns”.
共和人民党的一块广告牌特画了一个身着长裙的画像,并写着“如果你不想被逼迫着穿的像修女一样”,号召选民选择“不”。 ecocn

The largest group of refuseniks came from the main opposition Republican People’s Party CHP.
不服从命令的最大群体来自主要在野党共和人民党 CHP。 ecocn

The main opposition Republican People’s Party CHP also wants the constitutional court to strike the law down, saying it violates other provisions of the constitution.
主要的反对党——共和人民党 CHP也要求宪法法院取消这一法律议案的通过,认为该法律议案与宪法条文相抵触。 ecocn

The main opposition party, the secular CHP, appears to have increased its share of the vote, but not sufficiently to threaten Mr Erdogan's AKP.
主要的竞争对手共和人民党 CHP获得的选票比例似乎有所增加,但是不足以威胁埃尔多安的正义与发展党 AKP。 hxen

The main opposition Republican People's Party CHP secured26% of the vote yesterday, up five percentage points from 2007, the party's best result in over three decades.
主要的反对派共和人民党共人党昨天获得26%的选票,比2007年上升了五个百分点,是该党三十年来的最好表现。 ecocn

The main opposition, the secular Republican People’s Party CHP, won26% of the vote, up from 21% in2007, its best result in almost three decades.
主要的在野党非教派的共和人民党 CHP赢得超过2007年21%的26%选票。这是近30年内的最好成果。 ecocn

The CHP’s election programme reads like a liberal manifesto.
共和人民党的选举方案看起来就像一个自由宣言。 ecocn

The CHP engine would run on vegetable oil squeezed from local rapeseed, though2OC is experimenting with other fuels, such as synthetic oil made from wood.
热电联产发动机的运转依靠从当地油菜籽中提取的植物油,尽管2OC公司正对其他燃料进行实验,如从木材中提取合成油。 yeeyan

All eyes will now turn to Abdullah Gul, Turkey’s president, who could send the constitutional amendment back to parliament on the grounds cited by the CHP.
所有的目光转移到土耳其总统阿卜杜拉•居尔身上了。 因为总统站在 CHP党的立场,可以把该宪法修正案发回议会。 ecocn

But we would recommend that Turks vote for the CHP.
但是我们要建议土耳其人把票投给共和人民党。 ecocn

Cetin Soysal, a CHP deputy, says at least3,000 people, among them AK officials, have been wiretapped in recent years.
共和人民党 CHP的众议员切廷·索伊萨尔 Cetin Soysal说包括正义与发展党 AK官员在内至少有3000人近年来被搭线窃听。 ecocn

Founded by Ataturk in1923, the CHP has been out of power for some15 years.
由阿塔特克于1923年建立的共和人民党已经有15年没有掌权了。 ecocn

He was quick to remind the prime minister that when he had faced similar troubles it was the CHP that helped him out.
他敏锐地提醒总理,当总理自己面临类似困难的时候,是共和人民党 CHP帮助他摆脱了困境。 ecocn

He has purged the party of ultranationalist hardliners, who almost got the CHP booted out of the Socialist International.
他已经清洗了几乎让共和人民党逐出社会党国际的极端民族主义强硬派。 ecocn

He has spurned the CHP’s demands for legal changes, saying that the opposition created the mess by fielding controversial candidates.
他已经傲慢地拒绝了共和人民党 CHP要求的法律改革,还说在野党通过让有争议的候选人参加竞选而引起了混乱。 ecocn

In the event it took no more than vaguely worded pledges for the CHP to cave in.
在这次事件中,共和人民党 CHP不再采取措辞含糊的誓言来屈服。 ecocn

Many CHP projects have been hindered by a fragmented approach to energy planning and past market conditions.
许多电热联合系统计划曾经受到能源计划和过去的市场条件的支离破碎的方法的阻碍。 yeeyan

Mercer says this boosts the efficiency of the CHP unit to over70%.
默瑟说,这种做法可以使热电联产的效率提高超过70%。 yeeyan

Mr Erdogan may fear that creating legal loopholes for the jailed CHP deputies will weaken the case against the rest of the Ergenekon suspects.
埃尔多安先生可能担心为入狱的共和人民党 CHP代表开创无罪释放先例那么将削弱针对 Ergenekon事件其余嫌疑人的量刑。 ecocn

One drawback is that, at grassroots level, the CHP is a shadow of the AK’s electoral machine.
一个不利条件就是,在基层,共和人民党是伊斯兰正义与发展党的选举机器的影子。 ecocn

Recent polls suggest that it will win a third term of single- party rule in June, with45% of the vote to the CHP’s 28%.
最近的民意调查表明,它会在六月份以45%选票对共和人民党28%选票赢得第三届一党统治。 ecocn

The BDP and CHP retort that the electoral board and courts are stacked with pro- AK men.
和平与民主党BDP与共和人民党 CHP反驳说选举委员会和法院都被亲正发 AK党的人占据了。 ecocn

The past13 years, when CHP and PCOR were created and grew, have been the high point of my Stanford career.
在这过去的13年里,从 CHP和 PCOR的创建到成长,都是我在斯坦福的生涯中的重要阶段点。 yeeyan

The CHP is therefore having to win over voters by itself.
因此,共和人民党不得不独自去赢得选民的支持。 ecocn

Unlike the CHP jailbirds, he says, he was prosecuted not for a “ terror” crime but for his thoughts.
他说,不像共和人民党 CHP的囚犯,他不是因为“恐怖”罪而是因为他的思想而被起诉。 ecocn

CHP also reduces economic costs and provides direct economic benefits to local communities.
热电联合系统还降低了经济成本并为当地民众带来了直接的经济效益。 yeeyan




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