

单词 Chovanec
释义 Chovanec tʃəˈvænɪk COCA²¹⁴⁰⁴¹
According to Patrick Chovanec, a professor at Beijing's Tsinghua University who studies the Chinese real estate sector, only about50% of residential purchases are made using mortgages.
专门研究中国房地产市场的清华大学教授里克霍瓦内茨说,只有大约50%的商品房是通过按揭贷款购买的。 yeeyan

Patrick Chovanec of Tsinghua University says this is just the start.
清华大学的帕特里克·邱伐内克说这仅仅只是一个开始。 yeeyan

“ People are using real estate as an investment, as a place to store cash— they treat it like gold,” Professor Chovanec said.
“人们正以房地产作为一项投资手段,作为储存现金的处所——待之如同黄金一般,”科瓦内奇教授坦言。 yeeyan

“ Property is being held by many as a store of value, like gold, ” explains Patrick Chovanec, a professor at Tsinghua University's School of Economics and Management.
“不动产被很多人持有并当做像黄金一样具有存储价值。”清华大学经济管理学院教授帕特里克霍尔内茨解释说。 yeeyan

“ They've taken on a massive amount of debt to build it, ” said Patrick Chovanec, who teaches at Tsinghua University.
供职于清华大学的帕特里克 Patrick Chovanec说,“他们通过巨额贷款进行建设。” yeeyan

“Chinese treat homes like gold bars buying multiple units as a store of value, ” notes Mr. Chovanec.
霍瓦内茨先生说:“许多有钱人士都认为购买住房就像购买金条一样有储存价值。” blog.sina.com.cn

And even if there was a downgrade of U.S. sovereign ratings, Patrick Chovanec from Tsinghua University says it probably wouldn't change that much.
即使美国的主权信用评级降低,清华大学的帕特里克·裘万尼认为这可能对上述债务影响不大。 yeeyan

This offers short-term relief, but Chovanec says such measures won't solve the underlying problem.
这样做提供了短期缓解,但是邱伐内克说这样的措施不会解决背后的问题。 yeeyan

Yet the visits afforded Chovanec a rare glimpse inside the Hermit Kingdom.
然而,这两次游览还是给了切瓦尼一个难得的机会去探寻这个神秘的国度。 yeeyan

Chovanec noted that every week or so there is another anti-dumping finding from one side or the other and sanctions being imposed.
切瓦尼说,每隔一个星期左右,双方就会宣布一项反倾销决定,并宣布制裁对方。 voanews

Chovanec says despite being the banker, China's still in a vulnerable position.
裘万尼认为,尽管中国中国现在是债主的角色,但是中国任然处于弱势。 yeeyan




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