

单词 chorused
释义 cho·rus·ed 英'kɔːrəs美'kɔːrəs COCA⁸²²⁹⁴BNC⁴⁵⁵¹³
C歌曲的 副歌

a part of a song repeated after each verse of a song

C合唱; 合唱队,歌咏队

sing by many people together at one time; a group of people who sing together


sth said by many people at one time

vt. 合唱,齐声背诵,异口同声地说

sing or say at the same time

any utterance produced simultaneously by a group;

a chorus of boos

a group of people assembled to sing togetherthe part of a song where a soloist is joined by a group of singersa body of dancers or singers who perform togethera company of actors who comment by speaking or singing in unison on the action in a classical Greek play
utter in unison;

`yes,' the children chorused

sing in a choir1560左右进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的khoros,意为合唱
用作名词 n.
动词+~join in chorus参加合唱swell chorus增加音量形容词+~female〔male〕 chorus女〔男〕声合唱mixed chorus混声合唱介词+~in chorus齐声地
近义词 unityn. singing group
用作名词n.Sing the last chorus again.把最后的副歌再唱一遍。
She's a star; I'm just a chorus girl.她是个明星,我只是个歌舞队的女演员。
The chorus were very good, weren't they?这个合唱团演唱得不错,不是吗?
This female chorus was very successful.这组女声合唱非常成功。
The proposal was greeted with a chorus of approval.大家对这个建议异口同声地表示赞成。
Never before have I heard this song sung in chorus.我从来没有听过这首歌的合唱。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.The papers all chorused the praises of the president.各报都异口同声地对总统表示赞扬。

chorus用作名词作“合唱”解时,谓语动词常用单数形式; 作“合唱队”解时,谓语动词用复数形式。

用作名词The audience chimed in on thechorus.听众开始跟合唱队一起唱起来。
Thechorusis dressed as fairies.歌舞队的人都装扮成仙子。
When I asked questions, they answered up inchorus.我提问题时,他们迅速齐声回答。
Thechorusis very catchy to say the least.副歌部分很容易上口。用作及物动词The papers allchorusedthe praises of the President.各报都异口同声地对总统表示赞扬。as in.chant
同义词 intone,recite,shoutcantillate,carol,chorus,croon,descant,drone,tune,vocalize,warbledoxologize The students chorused their approval of the suggestion.

“ We'll take care of your boots for you! ”the children chorused.
孩子们齐声说:“我们会替你保管好你的靴子的。” enfamily

“There are no unit tests,” we chorused.
“没有单元测试,”我们齐声道。 yeeyan

“Up Presido!” the voices around the cell chorused.
“首席万岁!” 牢房里的声音齐声喊道。 yeeyan

Above all, the western Christian powers were determined to avoid any reversal of the Muslim conquest of Istanbul: “The Russians shall not have Constantinople” chorused an English music-hall song.
尤其是西方基督教国家决心避免穆斯林占领下的伊斯坦布尔被颠覆,正如一首英文剧院歌曲所唱的:“俄国老将得不到君士坦丁堡。” ecocn

All the other boys chorused Jim when he suggested a ride to the beach.
当吉姆建议去海边时,所有的男孩都说同意。 www.8875.org

Hizbullah being what it is, Mr Nasrallah lost no time claiming that this was “ a strategic, historic victory”; crowds in Tehran chorused that Israel had been“ destroyed”.
真主党照旧,纳斯鲁拉一直不停强调这是“一个有战略意义的和历史意义的胜利”,从德黑兰远远地传来了以色列被“摧毁”的歌声。 ecocn

The audience chorused its approval by loud cheering.
听众们用高声欢呼来齐声表达他们的赞同。 hotdic

The papers all chorused the praise of the president.

The papers chorused the praises of the positive suggestions of the government.
各大报纸不约而同地颂扬政府积极性的建议。 hxen




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