释义 |
Choisy 基本例句 n.舒瓦西在法国;东经 6º04' 北纬 46º00' We approached New Hoa Khoan and Tricotin, two restaurants on Avenue deChoisyof which Vifian had spoken highly.我们来到费福昂评价甚高、位于索斯大道上的新华群大酒家和新乐园。 The sole application of cayenne, purslane, Ricinus communis Land Bougainvillea glabraChoisyshowed control effect and the extract from purslane gave the best control.田间试验结果表明,单独使用勒杜鹃、辣椒、马齿苋、蓖麻对桃蚜的自然种群都有一定的控制作用,其中单独使用马齿苋的蚜量变动系数较低;Piper kadsura Ohwi. 风藤Keywords Pharbitis nilChoisy;amide;tyramine;coumarin;uricil;牵牛;酰胺;对羟基苯乙胺;香豆素;尿嘧啶; Studies of Chlorophyll Content and Photosynthesis of Blades in Different Leaf Positions of Bougainvillea GlabraChoisy光叶子花不同叶位叶片叶绿素含量和光合作用研究 |