

单词 chivvying
释义 chiv·vy·ing 英'tʃɪvi美'tʃɪvi COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
annoy continually or chronically;

He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked

This man harasses his female co-workers

近义词 push推badger獾urge驱策beset包围hassle困难pester纠缠molest骚扰plague瘟疫provoke激怒harass使疲乏pressure压强chivy打猎叫喊harry不断骚扰chevy打猎时的叫喊…

His mother kept onchivvyinghim to get his hair cut.他母亲一直唠唠叨叨地催他去理发。 But a plan to issue handheld computers to the “ enumerators” for chivvying non-replying households had to be cancelled.
人工“计数器”们催促收到问卷却没有回音的家庭,但是分发给他们掌上电脑的计划不得不被取消。 yeeyan

Even if they workand Ms Kiernan thinks they would have to be enormous to have much effect, chivvying unmarried couples into wedlock is likely to mean more divorces in the future.
即使说该提议能够奏效 Kiernan认为税务减免额度需要达到一定数量才能起效,但让未婚的情侣结婚可能会导致今后更多的离婚案例。 ecocn

If Americans are to retire later, they will need some chivvying.
若要美国人晚点退休,可能需要使点小伎俩。 ecocn

It took a new president in Washington, and much chivvying by China, to get America moving.
这促使华府新总统设法,以及中国大力游说,才让美国行动起来。 topsage

Rather than chivvying them to perform better, investors shrug their shoulders, sell up and move on.
相对于督促他们更好的表现来说,更常见的是投资者耸耸肩膀,将其全部卖出,然后继续前进。 ecocn




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