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词汇 chivalry
释义 chiv·al·ry 英ˈʃɪvəlriː美ˈʃɪvəlriAHDshĭvʹəl-rē ☆☆☆☆☆高四GT宝八COCA³⁸⁵⁴⁶BNC²²³²²iWeb²²³⁷⁸Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

courtesy towards womenthe medieval principles governing knighthood and knightly conduct骑士是西方封建时代的一个重要群体。与所有其他社会角色相比,骑士形象散发出一种鲜明的精神光芒,构成了所谓的“骑士精神”,成为西方上层社会的贵族文化精神的主要来源。英语中表示“骑士精神”的单词chivalry就体现了“骑士精神”与骑士身份、骑士形象的紧密联系。从词源上看,chivalry是chevalier骑士,源自法语的衍生词,除“骑士精神”外,还可以表示“骑士身份、骑士群体、骑士制度”等含义,相当于knight骑士的衍生词knighthood。骑士群体是长久维持这种独特、显著的骑士精神的呢?骑士制度如何保障每一个骑士都能体现这种骑士精神呢?
由于骑士誓言和骑士行为准则的强制性约束,使得骑士身份几乎等同于骑士精神。事实上,骑士因为违反誓言和行为准则而被剥夺骑士称号的事情极其罕见。在英语中人们直接使用chivalry一词来表示骑士精神,而不必使用spirit of chevalier或spirit of knight这样的表达方式。
chivalry:'ʃɪvəlrɪ n.骑士精神,骑士身份,骑士制度钱博士chival=caval,马+ry形容词和名词后缀,等于-ery/-ary,在此构成名词,表示相关事物→与马相关的事物→与骑士相关的事物⇒骑士精神,骑士制度
chival=caval,马+ry形容词和名词后缀,等于-ery|-ary,在此构成名词,表示相关事物→与马相关的事物→与骑士相关的事物⇒骑士精神,骑士制度。GRE难词记忆chivalr→archival a.档案的→档案里记载的骑士GRE难词记忆chivalry→chivalr=chivaler 骑士+y→骑士制度GRE红宝书音:侍卫,骑卫,皇帝车驾旁的骑马的侍卫卫士;词根记忆chival=caval骑马+ ry ⇒骑士精神近义词 valor英勇valour英勇loyalty忠诚courage勇气bravery勇敢nobility贵族courtesy礼貌kindness仁慈civility礼貌gallantry勇气gentility文雅politesse优雅politeness礼貌courtliness谦恭magnanimity宽大attentiveness注意consideration考虑knightliness骑士的good manners好习惯, 有礼貌…

用作名词He had a sort of instinctivechivalryin him.在他身上有一种天生的骑士精神。
The legend of king arthur represent the apotheosis ofchivalry.亚瑟王的传说代表骑士精神的顶峰。
The Middle Ages were also the great age ofchivalry.中世纪也是骑士制度盛行的时代。noun.valor, gallantry
同义词 courage,courtesy,courtliness,fairness,politeness,valiance
反义词 impoliteness,rudenesscowardice,fear,humbleness,humility
act of couragenoun heroic achievement
gallant act,heroism,knightly deed,soldierly conduct
chivalrousnessnoun gallantry
courtesynoun favor, indulgence
genteelnessnoun courtesy
greatnessnoun nobleness of character;eminence
magnanimitynoun generosity
chivalry,philanthropy And because of his own odd chivalry, that ceiling he put on whatever he stole, Howell never grew rich.
因为他古怪的骑士风度,也因为他总是把骗到手的钱返还一半,豪厄尔始终没能成为有钱人。 yeeyan

Easy on the cologne. Avoid novelty ties. Arm yourself with the tools of modern chivalry.

She’ll be impressed that you took the effort for her and your chivalry will increase your chances of a second date.
你的行为会给她留下个好印象并增加促成下次约会的可能性哦。 hxen

The problem seems to be women in today's college society don't want chivalry.
问题似乎是社团文化的今天,女士们不需要骑士。 yeeyan

Women, you cannot honestly believe chivalry has died because of men's own volition.
你不可能真的相信,骑士风度不再存在是男人自己的意志吧。 yeeyan

“ The ideas of chivalry are very suspicious, ” he says.
骑士精神这个说法很值得怀疑。 i21st

But while athletes strove to fulfil the old Olympic pledge, the ethic of chivalry and fair play was being ground into dust.
虽然运动员奋力实现古老的奥运誓言,但骑士精神和公平竞赛仍然正渐渐化为齑粉。 yeeyan

But chivalry is out there;we do care for you and want to treat you right.
但是,也有绅士在等你,在乎你,而且想很好的对待你。 yeeyan

He was admired for his chivalry.
他因他的骑士风度而受到景仰。 iciba

He was not a student of chivalry.
他并不是一个骑士道的信奉者。 kuenglish

His, after all, is a tale that takes in romance, heroism, chivalry, honour and, of course, the promise that its hero will one day return to rescue his people.
他的故事,总体而言,是包含了爱情、英雄主义、骑士精神、荣耀和英雄必将归来拯救其人民的承诺的神话。 i21st

However, in today's society I find that more and more often woman enjoy the idea of chivalry more than they enjoy the actual chivalrous gentleman.
然而,我发现当今社会越来越多的女士更感兴趣骑士精神的理念而不是真正有骑士风度的绅士们。 yeeyan

I am tired of hearing about chivalry being dead and how all men are awful.
我厌倦了听到“骑士精神已经消亡”或者“男人们是多么的糟糕”,而且很难过。 yeeyan

I wholeheartedly disagree with that statement and assert chivalry is alive— it's just not what many women really want.
我十分诚恳的表示,我不同意这样的观点,并且保证,骑士精神还存在-------但可能不是很多女士真正需要的。 yeeyan

Is it time that cleanses these old weapons? Or the lingering myth of medieval chivalry that turns knightly swords and lances into imaginative wonders?
是时间洗净了那些武器么?或者挥之不去的中世纪骑士传说使得骑士剑和长矛成为想象力的奇观? yeeyan

Mansfield has also argued that gay people should be on the “margin” of society and blames feminism for any lack of chivalry.
曼斯菲尔德还主张,不能让男同性恋者登堂入室,进入主流社会。 他还认为男人少了绅士风度,罪责都在女权运动。 yeeyan

Or if you wish to disregard my challenge, at the very least stop saying chivalry is dead, because you've refused to truly find out.
如果你并不关心我的倡议,至少,别再说骑士精神已经消亡,因为你拒绝真正去寻找。 yeeyan

Please let us prove chivalry is alive.
请让我们证明骑士还活着。 yeeyan

Sated and miserable in hedonistic Rome, he looks to the chivalry of the knights crusader.
厌倦了快乐主义的罗马,他向往十字军骑士精神。 ecocn

So please, ladies don't say chivalry is dead.
所以,女士们,请不要说骑士精神消失了。 yeeyan

The whole notion of chivalry was about dressing it up to make it respectable.
整个骑士精神的概念就是把它包装起来,使它令人尊敬。 i21st

This Courtly Poetry came out of the idea of chivalry and courtly love that you might associate with knights in shining armor.
这首宫廷诗取材于骑士精神和典雅爱恋,你可能会想到这与身穿闪光的盔甲的骑士有关。 yeeyan

Uncontrollable urges of chivalry?
控制不住的骑士冲动? yeeyan

We are not impressed by sea cucumber chivalry.
我们并不会被海参骑士精神所感动。 ebigear

You'll find that a little old- fashioned chivalry goes a long way in the bedroom!
你会发现这么一点传统的骑士精神会让你在床上所向披靡的。 yeeyan




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