

单词 chiseled
释义 chis·elled 英ˈtʃɪzəld美ˈtʃɪzəldAHDchĭzʹəld 高COCA⁴⁰⁵¹³iWeb³⁴²⁷²
having a clean and distinct outline as if precisely cut along the edges;

a finely chiseled nose

well-defined features

近义词 well-defined定义明确的

She has finelychiseledfeatures.她的五官轮廓分明。
He haschiseledme out of $5.他骗去了我五块钱。
Hechiseleda hole in the door to fit a new lock.他在门上凿了个孔,以便装一把新锁。
Hechiseledthat rock into the figure of a woman.他把那块石头凿成一个女人像。as in.(carved
同义词 engraved,sculpted,sculpturedcarven,chased,cut,etched,furrowed,graved,graven,grooved,hewed,hewn,modeled,scissored,slashed,slicedwhittledas in.clean-cut
同义词 categorical,clear,definite,definitive,etched,explicit,express,sharp,specific,unambiguous,well-definedas in.rigid
同义词 adamant,austere,definite,exact,fixed,hard-line,harsh,inflexible,intransigent,rigorous,solid,stern,stringent,uncompromising,unyieldingadamantine,bullheaded,changeless,dead set,determined,firm,hard,incompliant,inelastic,inexorable,invariable,locked-in,obdurate,set,set in stone,single-minded,static,strait-laced,unalterable,unbending,unbreakable,unchanging,undeviating,unmoving,unpermissive,unrelenting
carvedadjective incised
clean-cutadjective neat, clearly outlined
more rigidadjective stiff, strict, severe
adamant,adamantine,austere,bullheaded,changeless,chiseled,dead set,definite,determined,exact,firm,fixed,hard,hard-line,harsh,incompliant,inelastic,inexorable,inflexible,intransigent,invariable,locked in,obdurate,rigorous,set,set in stone,single-minded,solid,static,stern,strait-laced,stringent,tough nut to crack,unalterable,unbending,unbreakable,unchanging,uncompromising,undeviating,unmoving,unpermissive,unrelenting,unyielding
rigidadjective stiff, strict, severe
adamant,adamantine,austere,bullheaded,changeless,chiseled,dead set,definite,determined,exact,firm,fixed,hard,hard-line,harsh,incompliant,inelastic,inexorable,inflexible,intransigent,invariable,locked-in,obdurate,rigorous,set,set in stone,single-minded,solid,static,stern,strait-laced,stringent,unalterable,unbending,unbreakable,unchanging,uncompromising,undeviating,unmoving,unpermissive,unrelenting,unyielding Images of Piye on the elaborate granite slabs, or stelae, memorializing his conquest of Egypt have long since been chiseled away.
那些花岗岩石板和石碑上纪念他征服埃及的图象早就被凿下并偷走。 yeeyan

It's a new person and I feel like almost all of the things I didn't want to be and who I turned into kind of got chiseled away.
我觉得,过去所有我不想要但却又存在的不完美都已被新的雕琢所改变。 cri

Ned Flanders is left-handed, devoutly religious, and has a surprisingly chiseled physique.
内德·弗兰德斯是左撇子,是虔诚的教徒,身体轮廓极其分明。 iciba

One cool bit: the tires were chiseled from solid blocks of rubber, the only way to support the weight of the car.
非常酷的一点:轮胎由结实的橡胶环刻而成当时的轮胎都不充气的,这是唯一能支撑车重的方法。 yeeyan

The ending of this film is like a perfectly chiseled jewel.
这部电影的结尾宛如一颗完美雕琢过的宝石。 blog.sina.com.cn

The wall shall not be dismantled and chiseled optionally when fixing the heating and sewage pipes, electricity equipments and other pipes.
安装暖卫、电气设备和管线时,也不得随意拆打,剔凿墙体。 english100.lingd.net

A burly, square- chested man with a chiseled face and red hair, he kept his hair cropped in a buzz cut, giving him an air of military authority.
他是个胸脯宽厚,壮实的男人,脸部轮廓硬朗,顶着一头红色的板寸。 这使得他看起来有几分军人的威严。 yeeyan

A woman white coat, chiseled face, blond hair pulled back, librarian glass came up to Hill.
一个女人穿着白外套,轮廓分明的脸,金发披在背后,带着方框眼镜走到希尔旁边。 dashuye

But for all the ego, Dash did have a streak of nobility hidden beneath his chiseled good looks and muscular build.
尽管达什以自我为中心,但在他轮廓分明的脸庞和肌肉发达的体格下,确实隐藏着一丝高贵的气质。 starwarsfans.cn

Despite the long time span, but the cloud of light holes chiseled on the rocks before the“cloud of light holes, ” the three characters are still very clear.
尽管时代久远,但云光洞前岩石上凿刻的“云光洞”三个大字仍然十分清晰。 weihai.qite8.com

He chiseled the figure of a girl out of a block of white marble.

His hair is thick and dark, his nose perfectly straight, his jaw chiseled and covered with stubble that’s mostly pepper, but with a perfectly judged dash of salt.
他的头发又密又黑,鼻子很直,下巴布满胡茬,大部分胡茬是黑色的,而中间完美地点缀着灰白色。 yeeyan

If you've been following media coverage of the World Cup these past few weeks you might think every footballer is a chiseled god — ripped, handsome, and oozing sex appeal.
如果你最近几周一直在关注世界杯报道,你很可能会有种错觉——认为绿茵场上的每个球员都是轮廓分明、性感英俊的帅哥。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Just then, a chiseled blonde in red track shorts sprints down the center aisle and hurls a sledgehammer at the screen, shattering the illusion of unison.
就在这时,一位穿红色短裤,轮廓分明的金发女子从中间过道中冲刺而来将大锤投掷在屏幕上,粉碎了那个异口同声的错觉。 yeeyan

Putin is unmistakably Russian, with chiseled facial features and those penetrating eyes.
他刚硬的面部线条和具有穿透力的目光表明他是纯种俄罗斯人。 yeeyan

So Moses chiseled out two stone tablets like the first ones and went up Mount Sinai early in the morning, as the Lord had commanded him; and he carried the two stone tablets in his hands.
摩西就凿出两块石版,和先前的一样。清晨起来,照耶和华所吩咐的上西奈山去,手里拿着两块石版。 ebigear

So I made the ark out of acacia wood and chiseled out two stone tablets like the first ones, and I went up on the mountain with the two tablets in my hands.
于是我用皂荚木作了一柜,又凿出两块石版,和先前的一样,手里拿这两块版上山去了。 ebigear

The Chinese characters chiseled on special stamps shall be the Song Typeface and the simplified characters published by the State Council except that the banks' names can be Song or Xing Typeface.
专用章所刊汉字,除行名可采用宋体或各行行体字外,其他所刊汉字应为宋体并使用国务院公布的简化字。 pkulaw

They suddenly recognize that God is a living, personal presence, not a piece of chiseled stone.
他们突然认识到,上帝是一个生活,个人的存在,不是一个轮廓分明的石头一块。 zh.lyricgogo.altervista.org

Though the coffin's cartouches— oval rings containing the pharaoh's names— had been chiseled off, the coffin bore epithets associated only with Akhenaten himself.
尽管棺材上的漩涡装饰——即刻有法老名字的椭圆环——被凿掉了,但钻孔的尊号却唯一性的指向了阿赫那吞。 yeeyan




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