释义 |
chira 基本例句 基拉 A woman on the car.A man on the bus.A boy at thechira.用肯定特征和否定特征分别描述六个人在做什么: 一个女人、一个男人、一个女孩、一个男孩、你和我。 During the reign of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty,chira's feudal legal system reached its height of perfection.唐太宗李世民统治的贞观时期,是我国封建法制最健全的时期。 The relationship between helical structure ofchiral molecules and their optical activities has been concerned permanently by organ ic chemists.手性分子的螺旋结构与其光学活性的关系,是有机化学家长期关注的问题。 Keywords Polymer supportedchirareagents;Asymmetric synthesis;Solid phase organic synthesis;Insect pheromone;不对称合成;聚合物支载手性试剂、固相有机合成、昆虫信息素; chiraseparation手性拆分 |