释义 |
Chinling 基本例句 秦岭¹⁰⁰ ⎣Carboniferous and Permian foraminifera occur extensively in theChinlingRange. 正>秦岭-昆仑构造带横贯东西,是我国三大巨型纬向构造带之一。This paper discusses the line of demarcation of Palearctic and Oriental Regions onthe basis of the data of the distribution of some agricultural insects east ofChinling.本文系以某些主要农业害虫的分布资料为依据,来讨论古北、东洋两地区在我国秦岭以东的分界线问题。 Chinlingmountain columbine root银扁担 CARBONIFEROUS AND PERMIAN FORAMINIFERA OF THE CHINLING RANGE AND ITS GEOLOGIC SIGNIFICANCE秦岭石炭二迭纪有孔虫及其地质意义 PARAKARPINSKIA., NEW GENUS OF BRACHIOPODA FROM LOWER AND MIDDLE DEVONIAN IN QINLING秦岭地区中泥盆世早期一个腕足动物的新属 |