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Chinese yellow 基本例句 雌黄,黄土颜料 TheChinese yellowbreed is perhaps one of the earliest products of this cross.中国黄牛可能是最早的这种杂交后代之一。 It indicated that genetic diversity ofChinese yellowcattle was very abundant.表明我国黄牛品种间出现了显著的遗传分化。 There were gene flow and significant divergence amongChinese yellowcattle breeds.黄牛不同地方品种之间存在一定程度的基因交流,品种之间出现了显著的遗传分化。 The beef performance of someChinese yellowcattle breeds: Qinchuan 25 hd,Jinnan 25 hd,Yanbian 10 hd,Fuzhou 10 hd, Bohai Black 11 hd and Koresin 30 hd,was studied.本研究应用秦川牛25头,晋南牛25头,延边平10头,复州半10头,渤海黑牛11头、科尔沁牛30头,共111头; Among 1204Chinese yellowcattle, the dentition-based maturities of 29.2% were up to 24 mo, and the ones of 96; 7% were up to 72 rno, with the average 41 mo.结果表明:1204头试验牛中,29.;2%的年龄不超过24月龄,96 |