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Chinese rhubarb 基本英英近义反义例句 大黄
Noun: long used for laxative properties近义词 Rheum palmatum掌叶大黄 CanChinese rhubarb, chrysanthemum treat toothache?大黄、菊花可以治牙痛吗? Chinese rhubarbeel, abluent go splanchnic add condiment edible of braise in soy sauce.大黄鳝鱼一条,洗净去内脏加调料红烧食用。 Chinese rhubarbfunction is valuable the word is understood in, will thousands of years be in clinical applying and long fill do not decline.大黄作用贵在一个通字,几千年来在临床应用而久盛不衰。 Chinese rhubarbis a kind of widely used Traditional Chinese Medicine,which has many active ingredient and wide pharmacologic action.大黄是一味应用广泛的传统中药,大黄具有多种有效成分和广泛的药理作用,应用于临床多种危重病症的抢救治疗。 The blood deficiency and related debilities concurrently then pond, still used the ripeChinese rhubarbcause diarrhea aggravation.血虚兼便溏,仍用熟大黄致使腹泻加重。 Chinese rhubarbcan remove again small loop obstacle, restore to organize a cell to metabolize to be supplied with blood normally, make liver rejuvenesce.大黄又能解除微循环障碍,恢复组织细胞正常代谢和血液供给,促使肝细胞再生。 |