

单词 Chinese character
释义 Chinese character短语³²⁵³¹
The August Moon Festival is often called the Women's Festival. The moon Chinese character on right symbolizes elegance and beauty.
中秋节也被称为女人的节日,月汉字部首象征着优雅与美丽。 hjenglish

The lines are drawn to resemble the Chinese character“ Jing” and also look like a running human figure with arms outstretched, as if in a dance of welcome.
线条勾勒出了近似于汉字‘京’的形态,又像是一个张开双臂,向前奔跑好似舞动着欢迎您的运动人型。 i21st

Each Chinese character is composed of a number of strokes.
每个汉字都由一定的笔画组成。 ecocn

I guess motivational speakers can start saying that the Chinese character for RISK also means“ thousands of screaming rioters.”
我猜煽动者可以说,汉字的“风险”也意味着“数千尖叫的暴徒”。 yeeyan

Instruction of Chinese Character is an important part but a weakness part in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language.
汉字教学是对外汉语教学中的重要环节,同时也是对外汉语教学中的薄弱环节。 cnki

Practice in handwritten numeral recognition and off line handwritten Chinese character recognition strongly supports the ideas and the methods.
手写数字识别和脱机手写汉字识别的实际应用验证了所提的理论和方法。 iciba

With the development of computer technology, a new input method named on-line handwritten Chinese character recognition appears.
随着计算机技术的发展,一种新的输入方法——联机手写汉字识别的输入法诞生了。 iciba




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