释义 |
Chinese bronze 基本例句 中国青铜,铸钟青铜 Chinese bronzeinstrument of production.中国的青铜生产工具。 Chinese bronzeJian is the king of Jian creditably!!!中国青铜剑,不愧为王者之剑!!! The first one is typicalChinese bronzedagger-axe in Zhanguo dynasty,both have good appearances!第一把典型中原战国青铜戈,下面回田纹古滇国戈!品相都很好! The legend and conception of Jiuding, for example, combined these two aspects of power and became the best monument of the Chinese Bronze Age.而“九鼎”的传说和观念则将权力的这两个方面结合起来,成为中国青铜时代“纪念碑性”最好的标志。 The bronze ware was replaced by the iron ware at the end of Zhanguo Dynasty.The art ofChinese bronzeware is unexampled in the history of the world.中国的青铜艺术,虽然在世界范围而言,其出现不算最早,但其造物规模和在艺术上的巨大成就却是无可比拟的。 With 221 color plates and 221 b/w illustrations, this volume is a survey of ancientChinese bronzebells from the Song dynasty to the Qing.一、古钟卷分为古钟、编钟与铃、外埠藏品三个部分。各部分均以年代顺序排列,共选录西周、汉、唐、宋、元、明、清、民国时期的精品130余件。 |