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china-africaCOCA²¹⁴⁰³⁹ 基本例句 中非¹⁰⁰ We also have with us today African diplomatic envoys, students and friends from the press. You play an irreplaceable role in promoting China-Africa mutual understanding. 今天在座的,还有来自非洲各国的使节、留学生和媒体朋友,你们为促进中非相互了解和理解发挥着不可替代的作用。 hjenglish Both sides also exchanged views on the China-Africa Cooperation Forum and other issues of common interest. 双方还就中非合作论坛及其他共同关心的问题交换了意见。 www.fmprc.gov.cn Both sides also exchanged views on the dialogues between the Group of Eight and developing countries, the China-Africa Cooperation Forum and regional issues of common concern. 双方还就八国集团与发展中国家对话会议、中非合作论坛和共同关心的地区问题交换了意见。 www.fmprc.gov.cn Both sides exchanged views on China-Africa, China-AU relations and other issues. 双方就中非关系、中国与非盟关系等问题交换了看法。 www.fmprc.gov.cn FOCAC is an important platform for China-Africa collective dialogue. 论坛是中非进行集体对话的重要平台。 hjenglish I am full of confidence about the future of Africa and China-Africa relations. 我对非洲的未来充满信心,对中非关系的未来充满信心。 hjenglish I believe this conference will further promote the growth of China-Africa relations in the new era and become another milestone in the history of China-Africa friendship. 相信这次会议将在新形势下进一步推动中非关系的发展,成为中非友好史上新的里程碑。 hxen The meeting is of great significance to advancing China-Africa relations and strengthening their cooperation across the board under the new circumstances. 此次会议对新形势下进一步推动中非关系发展和加强中非各领域合作具有重要意义。 www.fmprc.gov.cn They are not only the angles in white but also the friendly ambassadors spreading China-Africa friendship and promoting China-Africa cooperation. 你们不仅是救死扶伤的白衣天使,而且是传播中非友谊、促进中非合作的友好使者。 www.fmprc.gov.cn We should continue to follow the principles of“ equality and mutual benefit, efficiency, diversity and common development” to broaden and enhance China-Africa trade and economic relations. 我们应继续本着“平等互利、注重实效、形式多样、共同发展”的原则,积极推动中非经贸关系向更大规模、更宽领域和更高水平发展。 www.fmprc.gov.cn China is ready to cooperate with African countries on implementing the follow-up actions of China-Africa Cooperation Forum. 中方愿结合落实中非合作论坛后续行动,与广大非洲国家就实施该计划开展合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn China will provide more interest-free loans, concessionary loans and commercial loans for African countries and expand the China-Africa Development Fund step by step. 中国将向非洲国家提供更多新的无息贷款、优惠性质贷款和商业贷款,同时逐步扩充中非发展基金。 www.fmprc.gov.cn China would like to push for mutually beneficial cooperation with African countries including Cape Verde through the mechanism of China-Africa Cooperation Forum. 中方愿通过中非合作论坛机制,推动与包括佛得角在内的非洲各国的互利合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn China-Africa energy cooperation help the African countries transform their advantages in energy resources into advantages in development. 中非能源合作有利于非洲国家将能源资源优势转化为发展优势。 www.fmprc.gov.cn |