

单词 chili
释义 chil·i 英ˈtʃɪliː美ˈtʃɪliAHDchĭlʹē ●○○○○高四COCA⁸³⁸⁸BNC⁴³⁸¹¹iWeb⁷⁵¹⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
ground beef and chili peppers or chili powder often with tomatoes and kidney beansvery hot and finely tapering pepper of special pungency来自南美土著语言,常与南美国家Chile混为一谈。chili powder五香辣椒粉Chili sauce辣酱油,辣味番茄沙司…chilli干辣椒chilli con carne墨西哥辣味牛肉…minced pork in chili paste肉末辣酱chili pepper红辣椒chili con carne辣子牛肉丁…chili bar粗铜棒
chi音似“吃”+li音似“丽”→有人说多吃红辣椒会变美丽⇒红辣椒近义词 Chile智利chilly寒冷的chilli干辣椒chili pepper红辣椒chili con carne辣子牛肉丁…

用作名词The excitant food such aschilishould eat less as far as possible.辣椒等刺激性食物应尽可能少吃。
Add some morechilito the sauce; it's not spicy enough.再给酱汁加点儿辣椒,还不够辣。
A handful of freshly pickedchilipeppers may look harmless.一把新摘的红辣椒看起来好象没有什么杀伤力。 Our recipe for Hanukkah is a variation on the traditional beer and chili sauce- braised brisket.
在这里介绍一款光明节食谱,是传统的啤酒跟辣椒酱融合的炖牛胸肉。 yeeyan

The Red Hot Chili Peppers got turned on by the bulb during 1994's Woodstock Music Festival, dawning memorable self-illuminating costumes for their stage show.
在1994年伍斯托克音乐节上,红辣椒乐队被灯泡“点亮”,最开始那套为舞台秀设计的自发光装束令人记忆犹新。 yeeyan

A recent study suggested that capsaicin is an effective defense against a fungus that attacks chili seeds.
一项最新研究显示,辣椒素是一种抵御真菌侵染辣椒种子的有效武器。 yeeyan

Add the onions and celery to the pot, then set the brisket over them. Add the chili sauce, beer and coffee.
锅里放洋葱块和芹菜段,把肉平铺上去,加辣椒酱,啤酒,咖啡。 yeeyan

An Indian defense official said scientists were using the world's hottest chili to develop hand grenades that can be used to control riots and combat separatists, according to Xinhua.
据新华社报道,印度国防部官员近日称印度安全部队正计划用世界上最辣的一种辣椒面制成手榴弹,以用于控制骚乱和打击叛乱活动。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

As the Obamas sat with friends around their dining room table, eating Michelle’s chili and planning the run, she was plainly hesitant.
奥巴马夫妇和他们的朋友坐在餐桌旁,吃着米歇尔做的辣椒,开始为竞选做计划。 yeeyan

Burger King is also adapting its menu for China. It has added chicken dishes and has also added chili to some of its offerings.
汉堡王也在为中国调整自己的产品菜单,在一些产品中加入了鸡肉和辣椒。 yeeyan

Did you know elephants hate chili pepper?
你知道大象讨厌红辣椒么? hjenglish

If you are about to braise a fish in tongue- searing chili sauce, what’s the point of soaking it in wine?
如果你打算将鱼放在灼热的辣椒汁中煮,那么将鱼泡在酒中有用么? yeeyan

It fires balls that burst and release a chili solution when they hit the elephant's skin.
它能发生出球弹,当球弹击中大象的皮肤时,球弹会爆裂并释放出辣椒水。 hjenglish

It uses diced chicken as the primary ingredient and chili peppers, vegetables and peanuts.
它以切成丁状的鸡肉块为原材料加以辣椒,蔬菜和花生制成。 yeeyan

It's puzzling to try to understand why their chili would need to include an anti- caking agent such as silicon dioxide also known as sand, or glass powder.
它很令人费解,为何他们的辣椒需要包括一个防结块的物质,如二氧化硅也称为砂,或玻璃粉末。 yeeyan

Or, how about veggie chili or a bowl of minestrone or split pea soup?
或者,可以试试蔬菜辣椒或意大利蔬菜汤或碎豌豆汤吗? yeeyan

Our pork- stuffed fried tofu puffs came with a mild chili garlic sauce.
我们肉卷炸豆腐松是有加一种温和的辣椒蒜酱的。 yeeyan

She lightens it up with bacon, a little chili sauce and lettuce and tomato.
她还用培根、辣椒酱、生菜和西红柿点缀其间。 yeeyan

Tables buckle under heaps of chili-, garlic- and cabbage-themed side dishes.
桌子上摆放着大堆的配料碟,有盛辣椒的、大蒜的、卷心菜的。 ecocn

Tender beef slices came in their own Jacuzzi of chili oil, having been boiled, stir-fried, then soaked in the oil — all within minutes.
嫩牛柳先煮再炒,最后浸在他们自制的辣椒油里,这一系列动作都在几分钟内完成。 yeeyan

The chili lime tortilla strips that are included in the southwest salads have several ingredients used to hide MSG.
那个添加在西南地区的沙拉中的辣椒玉米块,虽然用了几个代名词来隐藏味精的存在。 yeeyan

Transfer the trotter from the presser cooker to the wok and bring to a boil. Add in dried chili and flavoured with salt.
将汤水与猪蹄一起从高压锅转至锅里,烧开后,加入干辣椒,用盐调味。 hjenglish

Use less salt and more pepper, chili, cinnamon, cumin or curry.
少放点盐,多放点胡椒、辣椒、,桂皮、孜然或咖喱。 yeeyan

We use the bottled chili sauce in a nod to tradition, but then intensify the flavors with some strong black coffee and a hearty porter beer.
为了向传统致敬,我们使用瓶装的辣椒酱,再用波特啤酒跟黑咖啡来提味。 yeeyan

Chili and mustard work as both a local anesthetic and a deep- heat treatment to ease stiff and painful muscles.
辣椒和芥末既是习用麻醉剂又是舒缓放松肌肉僵硬和疼痛的高渗治疗剂。 yeeyan




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