

单词 Chihuahua
释义 Chihuahua 英tʃəˈwɑːwɑː美tʃəˈwɑwɑ;英tʃɪ'wɑːwə美tʃɪ'wɑːwɑː 高COCA²⁹²²¹BNC⁶⁶⁷⁷⁰iWeb²⁶³⁷⁰

a city in northern Mexico in the state of Chihuahua; commercial center of northern Mexicoa state in northern Mexico; mostly high plateauan old breed of tiny short-haired dog with protruding eyes from Mexico held to antedate Aztec civilization来产自墨西哥Chihuahua而得名。
用作名词How could achihuahuakill a rottweiler?吉娃娃怎么可能会要了罗特韦尔的命?
Luckily for Rudolph, help is at hand from this littlechihuahuain New York, who appears to be up for a sleigh ride.这只被打扮成麋鹿的吉娃娃狗或许是在寻找它要驾驶的车。 In what is a world first, a long-haired Chihuahua named' Momo' has passed exams to become a police dog in the western Japanese prefecture of Nara.
一条名叫“桃子”的长毛吉娃娃日前通过了考试成为了日本西部奈良县的警犬。它是世界上第一只吉娃娃警犬。 jiahewh

It's possible to win a “ cutest dog” competition, even if you're a chihuahua.
在“最可爱小狗”比赛中胜出是完全可能的!即便你只是一只吉娃娃。 hjenglish

Juárez, in the northern state of Chihuahua, is a critical site for the traffickers.
华雷斯位于奇瓦瓦州的北部,是重要的贸易区域。 ecocn

Long- haired chihuahua Heart-Kun from a Pet store in Japan was born with the lovable pattern in his fur.
日本一所宠物店的长毛吉娃娃“贡心”身上天生就有一块可爱的心形图案。 edu.sina.com.cn

The Cave of Crystals, located in the working Naica Mine of Chihuahua, Mexico, has captivated the world since it was first discovered in2000by two brothers drilling in the Naica lead and silver mine.
位于墨西哥吉娃娃奈卡矿地的水晶山洞自2000年被在矿地钻井的兄弟两发现以后一直受到世界的关注。 yeeyan

“This war isn’t just killing people,” says Manuel del Castillo, a spokesman for the Chihuahua state government, which is run by the opposition to Mr Calderón.
这场战役杀戮的并不仅仅是人民,它也在扼杀这座城市。 ecocn

A chihuahua is a dog, but a tall chihuahua is not a tall dog; “ tall” changes meaning by virtue of the word next to it.
一条吉娃娃是一条狗,但是一条高的吉娃娃不是高的狗。 “高”在不同的词前面会有不懂的意思。 yeeyan

Another guy walks in the bar with a Chihuahua.
又一个人带着一只吉娃娃狗走进酒吧。 yeeyan

Breeds include the Chihuahua, dachshund, Boston terrier, shih tzu, bichon frise, miniature pinscher and the solo, a Mexican hairless dog.
这些犬种包括吉娃娃、腊肠犬、波士顿梗犬、西施犬、比熊、迷你杜宾和墨西哥无毛狗。 qeto

But last October, the Chihuahua mix proved to be more than just a pretty face.
但是,就在上个月(10月,混血吉娃娃却证明了他不只拥有漂亮的外表。 yeeyan

For my Chihuahua-AmericanBruiser Woods.
为我的吉娃娃狗布鲁斯伍兹。 blog.sina.com.cn

Kensi, Hetty and G were three10- week- old Chihuahua who were born without front legs. Not only born disabled, but soon after their birth their owner died, leaving them homeless.
Hetty和 G是3只10周大的吉娃娃,他们一出生时就没有前爪,并且不久便因主人去世而无家可归。 cri

Refused permission to adopt a child, she reportedly fed her chihuahua from a baby's bottle.
收养孩子的申请遭到拒绝后,有报道称她用奶瓶喂养自己的吉娃娃。 yeeyan

Ruby Reyes shows off her devil dog, Estrellita. The female Chihuahua is feeling naughtier than usual, judging by the outfit.
鲁比·蕾耶丝展示了她的恶魔狗小星星。有了这身装备,这只母吉娃娃感觉比平时更加淘气了。 cri

Shortly before their recent wedding they were arrested by the morality police while sitting in their car with their pet chihuahua.
这对新婚夫妇在结婚前不久曾被道德警察逮捕,当时他们正和他们的吉娃娃宠物狗一起坐在车里。 yeeyan

The female Chihuahua is feeling naughtier than usual, judging by the outfit.
有了这身装备,这只母吉娃娃感觉比平时更加淘气了。 iciba

Think your dog is even more adorable than a talking Chihuahua? Grab your video camera and start filming.
想想你的狗比会说话的吉娃娃都可爱?拿起你的摄影机开始拍摄吧。 kekenet

This is my…This is my Chihuahua. We love Chihuahuas! Don't we?
这是我的吉娃娃我们都爱吉娃娃,对不对? engxue

Chihuahua, wearing a traditional Filipino dress, waits for her turn.
一条身着菲律宾传统打扮的吉娃娃在等待她的出场。 jiahewh




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