

单词 Chesney
释义 Chesney
But the new report put out on August24th by the Northern Ireland Police Ombudsman confirms that the rumours were true: Chesney was in fact IRA“ director of operations” for the area.
但于8月24日,北爱尔兰警方纪检特派员发布的一份新报告证实了这个谣言的真实性:事实上,切斯尼是爱尔兰共和军的地区“运营总监”。 ecocn

He showed him a police file containing compelling evidence that Chesney had participated in the plot to bomb Claudy.
怀特洛向康威出示的一份包含切斯尼参与克劳迪爆炸案确凿证据的警方文件。 ecocn

Headliners include Kenny Chesney, Miranda Lambert and Sugarland.
头条新闻包括肯尼切斯尼,米兰达兰伯特和糖城。 mtime

Middle-ranking police officers wanted to question Chesney but the chief constable was content to let him leave the jurisdiction.
中级警务人员想要审讯切斯尼,无奈警察局长只想让其离开自己的管辖区。 ecocn

They agreed that Chesney, instead of being arrested, should be discreetly transferred across the border into the Irish Republic, where he spent the rest of his life.
他们达成共识不会逮捕切斯尼,但是切斯尼必须被谨慎地确保跨过边境,进入爱尔兰共和国并在那度过余生。 yeeyan

Underwood was up against Swift and other artists including Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban and Brad Paisley.
安德伍德此次一举击败斯威夫特,以及肯尼•切斯尼、凯斯•厄本和布拉德•派斯利等实力派选手。 iciba

Years of rumours that Father James Chesney had taken part in the attack were formally confirmed in a report on August24th by Northern Ireland’s police ombudsman, Al Hutchinson.
几年间一直有牧师詹姆斯切斯尼曾参与这起袭击的传言,该传言终于在8月24日北爱尔兰警署监察专员艾尔哈钦森所发表的报告中被证实。 ecocn

Chesney and Sugarland capped Country Thunder2007 before a large audience.
切斯尼和糖城封顶大量观众前国家雷霆2007。 mtime

Chesney died30 years ago, but the saga of his IRA involvement has refused to do likewise.
切斯尼在30年前死去,但是他卷入的爱尔兰共和军却拒绝随之消身匿迹。 ecocn




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