

单词 Cheryl
释义 Cheryl 英'ʃerɪl美'ʃerɪl 高COCA⁹⁶⁷⁰BNC¹⁵⁸⁸⁷
A love so strong that, even in this deepened silence that followed their last good-bye, Cheryl can still hear her mother's love.
爱是如此强烈,即使在这深沉的静寂中,在她们最后的告别以后,谢丽尔仍可感受到来自她母亲的爱。 blog.sina.com.cn

And we reaffirm our commitment to protect and advance the rights of all human beings, as Cheryl just said, of members of the LGBT community around the world.
我们也重申我们的承诺——保卫并争取所有人的人权——像 Cheryl刚才说的,包括世界上的所有同性恋者。 yeeyan

Does Cheryl Hopwood have a case?
谢丽尔·霍普伍德是否有理由? yeeyan

Is Cheryl Hopwood's right violated?
谢丽尔·霍普伍德的权利被侵犯了吗? yeeyan

The moment that Donna heard the news, Cheryl later told me, she rushed to put on a wedding dress that she had been saving for years.
谢丽尔后来告诉我,唐娜听到消息后,迅速跑去穿上了她存放了多年的婚纱。 yeeyan

The only people I went out with in high school were Cheryl and her older brother, Dale, who is now safely tucked away from the public eye somewhere in Texas.
在中学时代惟一跟我交往过的人是谢丽尔和她的哥哥戴尔,现在平安无事地隐藏在德克萨斯州的一个什么地方不肯见人。 yeeyan

Victoria Beckham may be Posh and Cheryl Cole the hottest ticket in showbiz but JK Rowling is our most influential woman.
也许维多利亚·贝克汉姆足够火辣,也许谢丽尔·科尔在娱乐界最为烫手,但是 JK罗琳却是英国最具影响力的女性。 hjenglish

When I saw Cheryl the second time, two weeks later, I felt more relaxed and confident.
第二次我看见 Cheryl,那是两周之后,我更放松更有信心了。 yeeyan

“ You’re the undress rehearsal, ” Cheryl used to say.
“你是脱衣表演,”谢丽尔总是这么说 。 yeeyan

“ Cheryl had the sense to quit, ” he says.
“谢丽尔打算辞职,”他说。 yeeyan

“There’s not just one kind of material we’re talking about,” said Cheryl Hayashi, who studies the evolutionary genetics of spider silk at the University of California, Riverside.
“我们所说并不是指某一类材料,”谢莉尔·哈亚希 Cheryl Hayashi说,她在加州大学河畔分校专门从事蛛丝进化遗传学方面的研究。 yeeyan

I asked Cheryl whether she thought I deserved to be loved sexually.
我问 Cheryl,她是否认为在性那一方面我值得人爱。 yeeyan

I felt angry at myself for being unable to control the timing of my orgasms but Cheryl said she would try to stimulate me to another orgasm.
没能控制性高潮的时间节奏,我对自己很是恼怒,不过 Cheryl说她会刺激我另给我一个高潮。 yeeyan

On the phone, Cheryl had explained that she would interview me for the first hour of the session; then, if I agreed, we would do“ body awareness exercises.”
电话上, Cheryl已经解释,见面的第一小时她会与我交谈,然后如果我同意,我们会做“身体意识练习”。 yeeyan

The wedding license bureau had told Cheryl that no one there had the power to issue an emergency license by phone, but maybe she could try to reach a judge.
婚礼许可证局告诉谢丽尔没有人有通过电话颁布紧急许可证的权力,不过你可以找一个法官试试。 yeeyan

Undismayed, Cheryl began to stroke me, scratch me, and kiss me slowly.
没有泄气, Cheryl开始抚摸我,抓搔我,缓缓地吻我。 yeeyan

You thought you were going out with Cheryl?
你认为你要跟谢丽尔出去? yeeyan

Cheryl Cole had every reason to smile as she posed ahead of her lucrative30- minute gig at the Cannes Festival last night.
在昨晚的戛纳电影节上谢丽尔有充分的理由为她30分钟的商业演出而微笑。 cri

Cheryl asks the media to respect her privacy during this difficult time.
谢丽尔请求媒体在这个艰难的时刻尊重她的隐私。 iciba

Cheryl gently took her mother's hand.
谢丽尔轻轻地拉起她母亲的手。 blog.sina.com.cn

Cheryl has a baby.
谢丽尔有个小孩。 yeeyan

Cheryl used to tell me it was like acting, on a tiny stage.
谢丽尔总是跟我说,那就像小舞台上的一出戏。 yeeyan

Cheryl was busy.
谢丽尔很忙。 yeeyan




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