释义 |
Cheng Ho 基本例句 郑和 Cheng Ho's great warships were laid up and rotted away.郑和的大战船被搁置腐烂。 He came to know about it from a course on “Introduction to China”, which touched on marinerCheng Ho's expeditions to South-east Asia.他在美国大学选修《中国导论》一科后,兴奋地告诉我,原来中国明朝郑和下西洋时期的航海事业是如此发达,最远还到过非洲东岸。 He came to know about it from a course on “Introduction to China”,which touched on marinerCheng Ho's expeditions to South-east Asia.他在美国大学选修《中国导论》一科后,兴奋地告诉我,原来中国明朝郑和下西洋时期的航海事业是如此发达,最远还到过非洲东岸。 He came to know about it from a course on“ Introduction to China”, which touched on marinerCheng Ho's expeditions to South-east Asia.他在美国大学选修《中国导论》一科后,兴奋地告诉我,原来中国明朝郑和下西洋时期的航海事业是如此发达,最远还到过非洲东岸。 In the Ming Dynasty, Chinese navigatorCheng Holed fleets to what was then called the “ West Sea” seven times in the 15th century, spreading the Chinese culture to distant land.明代郑和“七下西洋”,把中华文化传向远方的国度。 This liquor is developed in memory of 600 anniversaries ofCheng Ho’s expeditions to western oceans and the research fruit of Menzies.“垆邸随棹月,旌樯舞斜阳”。 |