

单词 chenault
释义 chenault ˌʃɪˈnoʊ COCA⁷⁹³⁶⁰
“ We are focused on expanding premium lending, despite challenging economic times,” says Kenneth Chenault, the firm’s chief executive.
美国运通首席执行官肯尼斯•切诺特说:“尽管经济形势严峻,我们依然专注于拓展高额借贷业务。” ecocn

But Mr Chenault used the opportunity to speed up a restructuring programme he had initiated soon after taking over as chief executive in2000.
但陈纳德先生利用这个时机加快实施一项重组计划,该计划是他在2000年接任首席执行官一职不久后启动的。 finance.sina.com.cn

Gossip at Morgan Stanley is that Philip Purcell, chairman and chief executive, would love to merge with American Express and eventually hand over the reins to Mr Chenault.
摩根士丹利有传闻称,其董事长兼首席执行官裴熙亮 Philip Purcell乐意与美国运通合并,并最终把控制权交到陈纳德先生手中。 finance.sina.com.cn

Mr Chenault has promised to be “ very, very surgical” in dealing with cardholders Amex deems risky.
Chenault先生承诺在与运通认为危险的卡持有人交易时,会非常非常小心。 ecocn

Mr Chenault admits there is little cross- selling with the more upmarket card business and there have been persistent rumours that American Express would spin off the financial advisers' arm.
陈纳德先生承认,在面向更高收入客户的信用卡业务上,几乎不存在交叉销售,此外,有关美国运通将把财务顾问部门分拆出去的传闻不断。 finance.sina.com.cn

Whether Mr Chenault would want to return American Express to the “ financial supermarket” model which proved so disastrous for it in the past is another matter.
过去,美国运通的“金融超市”模式已证明是灾难性的,而陈纳德先生是否想让美国运通回归这种模式,那就是另一回事了。 finance.sina.com.cn




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