

单词 adiga
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Aravind Adiga, winner of the Man Booker Prize for his debut novel The White Tiger, on what he'll do with his prize money.
因处女作《白虎》而获曼布克文学奖的阿拉文·阿蒂加就如何处置奖金这样说。 zjdaily.zjol.com.cn

Whether it is through the fight for water or the battle to board the commuter trains, Mr Adiga captures with heartbreaking authenticity the real struggle in Indian cities, which is for dignity.
是通过争夺水的斗殴,还是为登上通勤列车的战斗,阿迪加捕捉到了印度城市中令人心碎的挣扎的真实性---为了尊严。 ecocn

As with“The White Tiger”, Mr Adiga describes an India that is avaricious, acquisitive and insecure.
在《白虎》一书中,阿迪加把印度描述成贪婪成性、又缺乏安全感的一个地方。 ecocn

Neither did life, Mr Adiga seems to say through every one of his characters.
生活也不如愿,阿迪加似乎通过他塑造的所有角色如是说道。 ecocn

Which is why all five judges wanted Aravind Adiga’s first novel to be on this year’s shortlist, announced on September9th.
这就是为什么五位评委希望阿拉文德•阿蒂加的处女作能出现在今年9月9日公布的入围作品名单上。 ecocn

Adiga was born in Chennai in 1974 and was raised partly in Australia.
Adiga1974年出生在钦奈,之后在澳大利亚被扶养长大。 yeeyan




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