

单词 Adidas
释义 Adidas ә'di:dәz COCA³³²⁰⁶BNC²⁹⁹⁰³
n.阿迪达斯运动服或运动鞋等原型adida的复数 For brands that do not fall into the luxury category, like Adidas, expansion elsewhere in China can sometimes be difficult.
像阿迪达斯这样的非奢侈品品牌,在中国其他地方扩张可能会比较困难。 yeeyan

In greater numbers now, American players are turning their backs on shoe giants like Nike and Adidas and signing lucrative endorsement deals with Chinese apparel companies.
现在很多美国的球员们再理睬耐克和阿迪达斯等鞋业巨人,转而和中国的一些服装企业签订更加有利的合同。 yeeyan

On the main shopping streets of cities throughout China, smaller Adidas and Nike outlets have multiplied and become about as ubiquitous as Starbucks in New York City.
全中国城市的主要购物街上,规模较小的阿迪达斯和耐克网点成倍增加,就像纽约市的星巴克一样普遍。 yeeyan

“ We have never come across anything like it, ” Chris McGuire, sports marketing manager for adidas soccer, said in a statement.
阿迪达斯足球用品营销经理克里斯·迈克盖尔在一份声明中说:“我们从未遇到过这种情况。” hxen

But to get there, Li- Ning will have to become a brand like Nike and Adidas.
要达到这一目标,李宁需要成为一个像耐克或阿迪达斯这样的品牌。 yeeyan

Chief executive of Adidas Herbert Hainer said he was proud to be taking part in the project, entitled Peace One Day, which is the brainchild of the German film- maker Jeremy Gilley.
阿迪达斯总管赫伯特·海纳说,他为参与到名为“有朝一日握手言和”这个项目感到很自豪。 这件事是由德国电影制片人杰瑞米·基利一手策划的。 yeeyan

From stitching jeans and T-shirts, Bangladesh hopes to crack the more complex and lucrative business of making sneakers for companies like Nike and Adidas.
通过缝纫牛仔裤和 t恤衫,孟加拉国希望引进更复杂利润也更高的产业,例如为耐克和阿迪达斯制造运动鞋。 yeeyan

I told him about Cesar, whom I had met in my last year at university and who had studied business and now worked for Adidas.
我告诉他塞萨尔的情况。我在大学的最后一年里认识他,他是商学院的学生,现在在阿迪达斯工作。 yeeyan

Its wide range of products appeals to Chinese consumers, while Adidas has been too slow to introduce new products and has been hit hard by a glut of inventory.
其丰富多样的产品系列吸引了中国的消费者,而阿迪达斯推出新产品的进度一直过于缓慢,并受到库存尾货过多的困扰。 yeeyan

Many things have changed since then, but the special relationship between the DFB and Adidas remains.
虽然时过境迁,但阿迪达斯和德国足协仍一直保持着特殊的合作关系。 yeeyan

Nike, a sports- shoe manufacturer, also thrived on a mission to defeat the enemy, first adidas, then Reebok.
耐克,一个运动鞋制造商,也设立了打败敌人的目标,首先是阿迪达斯,然后是锐步。 ecocn

Sales are declining, but thanks to strength in soccer balls, shoes, and apparel, Adidas will likely rebound in2010 as the World Cup in South Africa approaches.
尽管销售额在下降,但是多亏了在足球、足球鞋、服饰上的实力,阿迪达斯很可能在2010年的南非世界杯上打个翻身仗。 yeeyan

The same might go for the praise dished out for the ball by Beckham, one of the main players used to promote Adidas equipment.
与此同时,曾经为阿迪达斯运动品牌做过宣传的主力球员之一贝克汉姆对“飞火流星”大加赞赏也就不足为奇了。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Adidas is an official sponsor of the World Cup, so its logo appears on the field.
阿迪达斯是世界杯的官方赞助商,因此它的标志可以出现在赛场上。 ecocn




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