

单词 cheering up
释义 cheering up短语⁴⁶⁴⁷⁹
You look as though you need cheering up.
看来你需要振作起来。 qfwjy

A friend who just needs a pep talk and some cheering up may be easily brought round, but chances are you shouldn't try to change someone's personality.
仅仅需要动员谈话,一些鼓舞的一个朋友也许能容易地改变观念…,可是很有可能你不应该去改变某个人的个性。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

CONVIVIAL, and not averse to a drink, Nancy Wake could often be found cheering up a cocktail bar.
为人开朗活泼,并不忌讳喝酒的南希•韦克经常会被发现出没于鸡尾酒酒吧中并使其增色不少。 ecocn

Whether it will succeed in cheering up94% of Chinese who are presently unhappy is another question.
但能否成功取悦94%感觉不幸福的中国民众,则是另外的问题。 yeeyan

You both need cheering up I think.
我认为你们两都需要振作。 shanbay




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