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cheek 英tʃiːk美tʃikAHDchēk ★★☆☆☆常高四六研牛4COCA³¹³⁵BNC⁴¹⁴²iWeb⁶¹⁹²Economist¹⁷⁰⁷³ 基本双解英英词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型派生词用法例句Thesaurus例句 n.面颊⁸⁷;脸蛋¹³复数cheeks过去分词cheeked现在分词cheeking三单cheeks 身体
n.名词 C脸颊,脸蛋the fleshy part of the face below the eye, especially in humans U无礼而放肆的行为disrespectful rude behaviour Noun: either side of the face below the eyesan impudent statementeither of the two large fleshy masses of muscular tissue that form the human rumpimpudent aggressiveness;I couldn't believe her boldness he had the effrontery to question my honesty Verb: speak impudently to来自日耳曼语,本意是“颌,下巴,颚骨”,和单词chin下巴同源。在古代多门印欧语言中,单词cheek和chin的含义都有所重叠,都和jaw颌,下巴,颚骨有关。亚里斯多德认为,chin是jaw的前端,而cheek是jaw的后端。注意cheek指的是一侧的面颊,表示两边的面颊应该用复数形式cheeks。 用作名词 n. 动词+~give cheek说无耻的话sour one's cheek露愠色turn the other cheek甘心容忍,不反抗形容词+~bloated cheeks肿胀的面孔burning cheeks通红的脸颊flushed cheeks通红的脸颊full cheeks圆脸蛋hollow cheeks凹陷的双颊pale cheeks苍白的脸颊round cheeks圆脸蛋sunken cheeks凹陷的双颊swollen cheeks肿胀的面孔介词+~girl with rosy cheeks脸颊红润的女孩~+介词cheek by jowl紧紧靠着,密切联系 用作名词n.cheek by jowl紧紧靠着,密切联系 very close together or closely connected cheek by jowlPeace and war exist cheek by jowl in the world today.当今世界存在着战争与和平这对孪生兄弟。 You'll never get through that crowd of people; they're packed in there cheek by jowl.你将无法从那一堆人群中穿过,他们那里挤得水泄不通。 The other two took no notice of him at all, though they were standing cheek by jowl.他们虽然紧站着靠在一起,另两位却全然未注意到他。cheek by jowl with sbIt was incongruous to see a thief sitting there cheek by jowl with the policeman.一个小偷同一个警察亲切地坐在一起,这看上去很不协调。 He and Connie could never adjust to living cheek by jowl with their neighbours.他和康妮同邻居之间的关系总是不能搞得亲密无间。 The general boasted that he was cheek by jowl with the emperor.那位将军自吹他与皇帝关系亲密。turn the other cheek甘心容忍,不反抗 take no action against someone who has hurt or harmed one 非常记忆ch吃〖拼音〗+ee两只鹅〖编码〗+k国王〖编码〗⇒吃了两只鹅,国王的脸颊变大了近义词 impudencepresumption 用作名词n.He looked very pale; his cheeks had sunk in.他脸色苍白,双颊陷了下去。 Her cheeks swelled out.她的两颊鼓了起来。 Her cheeks glow with the ruddy bloom of health.她的双颊泛着健康的红润。 Her cheeks began to fill out after she'd been in the convalescent hospital for a couple of months.在疗养院养了两个月以后,她的脸渐渐变圆了。 The tears trickled down her cheeks.热泪一滴滴从她脸蛋儿上滚下来。 Her hair brushed against her rosy cheeks.她的头发轻拂着红红的脸颊。 He sucked in his cheeks whenever he was thinking hard.每逢他大动脑筋的时候他就把腮帮子嘬进去。 The leaves brushed my cheek as I ran through the wood.我跑过树林时,树叶拂过我的脸颊。 She looked up at him with an angry flush upon her cheek.她抬头看着他,脸上怒得发红。 He gave her a slap on the cheek.他一巴掌打在她的脸上。 A hornet stung me on the cheek.一只大黄蜂叮了我的脸颊。 She darted forward and kissed Mary on the cheek.她跑上前去,吻了一下玛丽的面颊。 Mother inclined her cheek and her little daughter gave it a kiss.母亲俯下身来,她的小女儿在她的脸颊上亲了一口。 The fellow has cheek enough.那家伙脸皮厚。 He had the cheek to say that I was late.他竟厚着脸皮说我迟到了。 He has the cheek to ask for a raise after a week in his new job.他上工才一星期,竟厚着脸皮要加薪。 I don't believe he has the cheek to see me.我不相信他会有脸来见我。 I never thought he'd have the cheek to ask to borrow my car again after crashing it last time.我实在不曾料到他上次把我的车撞坏后,这次竟然会厚着脸皮又来借用。Pcheek-bone颧骨Pcheekbonen.颧骨Pcheekinessn.厚脸皮Pcheekilyad.厚脸皮地Pcheekeda.具有…的面颊Pclaret-cheek面部毛细管痣Pcheekya.厚颜的无耻的色情的
cheek的基本意思是“面颊,脸蛋”,指鼻旁眼下的部位,是可数名词,指“两颊”时常用复数形式,也可用单数形式表示复数意义。指一侧脸颊时,用单数形式。 cheek还可作“厚脸皮,没礼貌的话或行为”解,是不可数名词,后面可接动词不定式来补充其内容。 名词100% 用作名词A bullet grazed hischeek.子弹擦伤了他的面颊。 She has a tiny mole on hercheek.她面颊上有一颗小痣。 Philip stroked the baby's littlecheek.菲利浦摸着那婴儿的小脸蛋。 Rosie gave her an affectionate kiss on eachcheek.罗西在她的脸蛋上每边亲昵地吻了一下。noun.side of human face 同义词 chop,choppers,gill,jowl 反义词 humbleness,meekness,timiditynoun.audacity, boldness 同义词 lipbrashness,brass,brazenness,chutzpah,confidence,disrespect,effrontery,gall,impertinence,impudence,insolence,nerve,presumption,rudeness,sauce,temerity 反义词 caution,fear,humility,manners,modesty,politeness,respect,shynesshumbleness,meekness,timidity arrogancenoun exaggerated self-opinion airs,aloofness,audacity,bluster,braggadocio,brass,chutzpah,conceit,conceitedness,contemptuousness,crust,disdain,disdainfulness,ego,egotism,gall,haughtiness,hauteur,high-handedness,hubris,imperiousness,insolence,loftiness,nerve,ostentation,overbearance,pomposity,pompousness,presumption,pretension,pretentiousness,pride,priggishness,scornfulness,self-importance,self-love,smugness,superciliousness,swagger,vanity audaciousnessnoun impudence audacity,boldness,brashness,brazenness,cheek,cheekiness,chutzpah,effrontery,flippancy,gall,impertinence,impudency,incivility,insolence,nerve,nerviness,pertness,presumptuousness,pushiness,rashness,rudeness,sassiness,sauciness,shamelessness audacitynoun arrogance, presumptuousness assurance,audaciousness,brass,cheek,chutzpah,cockiness,crust,defiance,disrespectfulness,effrontery,forwardness,gall,guts,gutsiness,hardiness,impertinence,impudence,insolence,moxie,nerve,rudeness,shamelessness,spunk,stuff,temerity back talknoun rude answer back answer,backchat,cheek,comeback,guff,insolence,insult,lip,mouth,nasty reply,rejoinder,retort,return,riposte,sass,sauce,short answer,uptake brashnessnoun impudence audaciousness,audacity,boldness,brazenness,cheek,cheekiness,chutzpa,chutzpah,discourtesy,disrespect,effrontery,forwardness,gall,hutzpa,hutzpah,impertinence,impudency,insolence,nerve,nerviness,overconfidence,presumptuousness,pushiness,rudeness,sassiness,sauciness,shamelessness brassnoun impulsiveness;nerve assumption,audacity,brashness,cheek,chutzpah,confidence,effrontery,gall,impertinence,impudence,insolence,presumption,rudeness The ape, intent on feeding, only then saw the African, started rapidly down, and as he passed the man, hit out at him, slashing away half his cheek and one eye as he did so. 而这时,只顾吃东西的大猩猩也发现了这个非洲人,它向下盯着这个人,在冲下树经过他的时候,击中了他,劈掉他的半边脸颊和一只眼睛。 yeeyan The number of kisses is optional, and as there are no rules on which cheek to kiss first, there are often clashes. 意大利式亲吻的次数是随意选择的,没有明确规定需要先亲吻哪一侧的脸颊,但是会经常撞头。 ebigear The plastic surgeon undercut the skin of her cheek. 整容外科医生将她的脸皮下部切开。《21世纪大英汉词典》 At one point, she ran up and kissed him on the cheek. 有一次,她还站起来跑过去亲吻了他的面颊。 yeeyan Aunt Sally kissed her lightly on the cheek and squeezed Fannie gently. 萨莉舅妈轻轻地吻了她的脸颊,温柔地掐了一下她。 yeeyan Brush your hand softly on her cheek, run your fingers through his hair, give a soft hug, a gentle squeeze of the hand, or a quick kiss. 用手轻轻的摩挲她的面颊,用手指抚弄他的头发,来一个轻轻的拥抱,温柔的握紧他的手,或是一个蜻蜓点水的吻。 edu.sina.com.cn He pecked her on the cheek. 他轻轻地吻了一下她的面颊。《21世纪大英汉词典》 He stroked my cheek and kissed me softly. 他轻轻抚摸着我的脸颊,轻轻地吻了我。 yeeyan He stroked my cheek. 他抚摩着我的脸颊。 yeeyan I looked at him and he caressed my cheek. 我看着他他抚摸着我的脸颊。 yeeyan If everything is going well, try kissing the person on the cheek. 如果一切发展顺利,那么试着去吻她的脸颊。 tingvoa In Britain people usually kiss each other once on the cheek. 在英国,人们通常互相亲吻对方的脸颊。 ebigear Marla grabs my sleeve and holds me in one place for the second it takes to kiss my cheek. “ Please call me, ” she says. 马拉抓着我的袖子,在我还来不及反应的瞬间吻了我的脸颊,“打电话给我,”她说,“求你了,我们需要聊聊。” yeeyan Nevertheless, to remove the tumor in her cheek, I had to cut the little nerve. 然而,要切除她的脸颊上的肿瘤,我不得不削减她面部的细微神经。 yeeyan She kissed and pinched my cheek. 她吻着、捏着我的面颊。 yeeyan She kissed her baby on the cheek. 她在她孩子的脸颊上亲了一下。《21世纪大英汉词典》 She kissed my cheek, then led me up the steps. 她亲了亲我的面颊,带着我上了台阶。 yeeyan She pressed a kiss on my cheek then hared off. 她在我的脸上印下一个吻,跑开了。《21世纪大英汉词典》 She swiped her father’s cheek, softly, with her silk napkin, but it was the same as a slap. 她用自己的丝质餐巾轻轻地擦擦她父亲的脸颊,却好像扇了他一耳光似地。 yeeyan She wanted to draw close to him and whisper against his cheek— she did not care what—as she might have done if she had not been a respectable woman. 她想靠近一点,然后靠着他的脸颊低声耳语——她并不在意——并不在意她现在期许的与一位值得尊敬的女性应该做的不相符合。 yeeyan The procedure also requires the cheek tissue graft to remain over the eye surface, which gives it a strange, skin- like appearance. 这个过程还需要在眼睛表面留下脸颊组织移植物,这使眼部出现了像皮肤奇怪的外观。 yeeyan Then she hugged me and gave Keith a kiss on the cheek. 然后她拥抱了我,在基斯的脸颊上吻了一下。 yeeyan To prep the eye to receive the tooth and lens, the doctors placed a cheek graft over the eye to promote moisture. 为了使眼睛做好接收牙齿和晶状体的准备,医生在眼睛上方放置一片脸颊移植物以保持水分。 yeeyan Wetting my cheek, and then she vanished. 弄湿了我的脸颊,然后她消失了。 yeeyan When it came time to pluck those first spring lettuces, soft, sweet and delicate like a baby's satiny cheek, I was distraught. 当是采拔第一批春莴苣的时候,看到它们柔软、香甜且细腻的像婴儿光滑的脸颊一样,我悲痛欲绝。 yeeyan With your hands on your partner's shoulders, gently brush your lips across her cheek. 把自己的手放在伴侣的双肩之上,用你的双唇温柔地擦过她的脸颊。 yeeyan |